Zero Interest Loans Available for Farmers Affected by Flooding
Minnesota farmers affected by the recent flooding can take advantage of a zero-percent Disaster Loan Program offered by the Minnesota Rural Finance Authority (RFA).
Minnesota farmers affected by the recent flooding can take advantage of a zero-percent Disaster Loan Program offered by the Minnesota Rural Finance Authority (RFA).
Highway 14 near Lamberton has been opened to traffic.
On July 4, Highway 14 approximately one mile east of Lamberton, in Redwood County, was closed due to water over the road.
On Thursday afternoon, photographer Sue Jacobson was taking photos around the Minneota area of damaged crops when she crossed paths with a doe and her two fawns.
Many area residents celebrated the Fourth of the July in style.
To cap off the day's festivities, the City of Marshall hosted an impressive fireworks display.
MnDOT District 8 (southwest and west central MN) has closed the bridge on Highway 30, east of Currie, over the Des Moines River.
The Annual Lincoln County 4-H Babysitting Clinic was held on June 6 in the Ivanhoe Community Center.
Several years ago, I dug out my sewing machine and made rice packs for heating/cooling aches and pains. I love my rice packs but I was curious.
Minneota Senior Mealsite
Call Joanne from 8 - 9:15 a.m. for meals, 872-6604. Dinners served at 11:30 a.m.