Ask the Chief
You don't have to go very far or do a lot of traveling to see people who are sitting on the side of the road asking people for money.
You don't have to go very far or do a lot of traveling to see people who are sitting on the side of the road asking people for money.
Sure signs that things are not like they used to be: 1. Community groups that used to be valuable to every town are fading away. 2. Kids are too busy to go to Girls’ State anymore!
It wasn’t quite fireworks as many area residents woke up to thunder, lightning and an enormous amount of rain on Tuesday morning.
75 Years Ago-July 2, 1943
Farmers can get prisoners for laborers
The fight to stay afloat continues for the Minneota American Legion Ladies Auxiliary.
“Your talent is God’s gift to you, what you do with that talent is your gift to God.”
A man died Thursday night in rural Lyon County when his motorcycle collided with a deer.
Learning how various levels of government are run is paramount in order to understand the influence it has on our daily life.
With the heavy rainfalls and flooding in our area overnight and rain continuing, the Marshall area YMCA is opening the Y to all today (no guest fees).
A deluge of rain hit the area Monday night into Tuesday morning. Anywhere from two inches to 10 inches were reported in the area.