On the Bench with Byron Higgin
It would be hard to imagine a more satisfying win than the 10-7 victory by the Minneota Mudhens Saturday over the Chokio Coyotes.
It would be hard to imagine a more satisfying win than the 10-7 victory by the Minneota Mudhens Saturday over the Chokio Coyotes.
Minneota got the short end of the American Legion playoffs this year as they were stuffed into a sub-section at Luverne against some powerful teams.
Though the early season threatened not enough swimmers to sustain a team, the Minneota Girl Scouts of America swim team is up and swimming this summer.
Cotton candy. Ferris wheels. Blue ribbons. Show-ready animals. What do all these things have in common? They are staples of county fairs all over the country.
75 Years Ago-July 9, 1943
Early morning fire routs Bert O’Neal
Rain, rain, go away. Just don’t come again another day … at least not any time soon.
Once the Minneota community was filled with support groups ... Lions Club, Rotary, Jaycees, Women of Today, Iris Club ... etc.
Minneota’s outdoor swimming pool, heavily used in the summer months, is in drastic need of repair.
It’s not just milk that goats produce. One goat, in particular, recently produced a Junior National Champion Recorded Grade award for Minneota’s Garrett Moorse.