A new Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) grant opportunity is available for farmers’ market associations to help support nutrition assistance programs at the markets.
Eleven Minneota band students were selected to perform with the Southwest Minnesota Band Directors Association Honor Band on Saturday at the Schwan Community Center of the Performing Arts in Marsha
When the Minneota Public Library settled into its new home on the corner of Jefferson and Second Street 10 years ago this month, then-librarian Mary Buysse rhetorically exclaimed “Isn’t it beautifu
Members of the Minneota volunteer fire department, EMR’s and EMT’s pose with two of the four emergency training manikins that were recently acquired by the City of Minneota through a philanthropic
27 B.C. - Caesar Augustus is declared the first emperor of the Roman Empire by the Senate.
1547 - Ivan IV of Russia (better known as "Ivan the Terrible") is crowned czar.
The next local Red Cross Blood Drive will be held from 12:30-6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 22 at the Minneota High School gym.
If anyone would like to help preserve the former Big Store building by making a donation, mail your check payable to SPMH and mail to: SPMH, 1663 320th St.
The Lyon County Sheriff’s Office would like to congratulate Chief Bill Bolt on his retirement and thank him for his dedicated service to the citizens of Minneota.
The Pacesetter Youth Basketball State Championships for grades 4-7 will hold Southwest Region Playoffs in Redwood Falls March 8-9.