Minnesota County Cropland Rental Rates Available
Average, Median, Ten Percent Lowest Average Rents and Ten Percent Highest Average Rents are listed by county in the recently released publication titled “Cropland Rental Rates for Minnesota Countie
Average, Median, Ten Percent Lowest Average Rents and Ten Percent Highest Average Rents are listed by county in the recently released publication titled “Cropland Rental Rates for Minnesota Countie
The Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) is again gathering information on plant damage that may have been caused by the use of the herbicide dicamba.
Arlene Verkinderen, 80, of Marshall, passed away peacefully on Friday, July 20, 2018 at the Legacy Care Center in Minnetonka.
The DFL Campaign Headquarters at 1301 E College Drive in Marshall is open for regular office hours starting Monday, July 23.
Those hours are:
outh in foster care will have the opportunity to build their leadership skills, learn to become more engaged citizens and share their past experiences at the 23rd-annual Tomorrow’s Leaders Today co
All Minneota wanted Sunday was a "warm-up" game before next Saturday's playoff opener with the Clinton Cards.
The biggest battle didn’t come on the course at the Wynston Boe Memorial Golf Tournament on Sunday.
Bryan Francis coasted to an easy win, stroking a 116 for 27 holes.
Jeannette “Jan” (Buysse) Lahr, 88, of Arden Hills, Minnesota, died on Friday, July 13, 2018, in Roseville, Minnesota.
This weekend my family and I went to Brookings, SD to a family reunion and whenever we go to Brookings we find ourselves at The Bookings Book Company store.
Minneota Senior Mealsite
Call Joanne from 8 - 9:15 a.m. for meals, 872-6604. Dinners served at 11:30 a.m.