Prairie Home Hospice grateful for support
The Prairie Home Hospice Annual Charity Ball & Auction has long been a favorite charity event in Lyon County every spring.
The Prairie Home Hospice Annual Charity Ball & Auction has long been a favorite charity event in Lyon County every spring.
Minneota Senior Mealsite
Call Joanne from 8 - 9:15 a.m. for meals, 872-6604. Dinners served at 11:30 a.m.
The Minneota American Legion Auxiliary Monday named Sarah Engels the 2017 girls’ stater to represent the legion in St. Paul, June 11-17.
Peter Engels of Minneota High School was recently awarded the DSU Champion Scholarship.
The Minneota Police Department received the following calls for service:
Monday, April 17
•Animal Complaint in the 200 block of N. Madison Street.
Group Barb Moore, Social Worker from Prairie Home Hospice, will facilitate the Grief Support Group. It will be held on the following Wednesdays: May 3,10,17,24 and 31.
With a beautiful day without school, on Monday, April 16, members of the Minneota FFA geared up to clean ditches. The Minneota FFA did their part to help protect the environment.
All health care professionals are invited to attend a Mass celebrated by Bishop John M. LeVoir at 7 p.m. on Friday, April 28, at the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity in New Ulm.
Prairie Home Hospice and Community Care with Hill Street Place are sponsoring a five-week Grief Support Group.