Street project bids needed

The Minneota City Council called for sealed bids for the construction of the Jackson and Grant Street Reconstruction project. They will be received at the city offices before 2 p.m., July 2.
The council will then review the bids and make acceptance or denial. The work includes common excavation, aggregate base and mix. IN OTHER action the board:
•Indicated the EDA held a public hearing on the proposed sale of a parcel of real property on third street and approved the sale of the lot to William Drown for $3,000.
•The final lift of asphalt was completed at the Gorecki Development by Duininck Brothers. “It looks great,” said City Administrator Shirley Teigland. “Now all the city needs is to sell the lots,” said Teigland.
•Approved zoning permits for:
—Beth and Andy Buysse for a patio/deck at 103 Wilson Street.
—David Holey for replacement of a utility shed at 311 North Monroe.
—Genevieve Lozinski for a privacy fence at 309 W. Third Street.
•Approved the 2018 audit.The council was told the 2018 Final Annual Report was complete and, “The city finances looks good,” said City Administrator Shirley Teigland.
•Met with Mel Breyfogle regarding his house that was moved to Jefferson Street but that has been sitting empty and unfinished. It was previously called an “eye sore” and safety hazard. “Mel has applied for a Small Cities Rehab Loan which should make it possible for him to finish the foundation work, etc. on the house,” said Administrator Teigland. The Council will be updated on the site’s progress at the next meeting.