Some additional expenses, but school budget on track

Superintendent Dan Deitte presented a revised budget for the current school year, which showed some additional expenses, but which still has the district “on tract” for the current school year.
Non-budgeted expenses of $36,281, most from long-term maintenance, changed the fund balance to $1,515,219, “Which is a fund balance we can live with,” said Supt. Deitte.
While expenses were revised upward, Supt. Deitte felt the district was still in good shape for the year.
The revised budget was approved.
Part of the stability of the budget is still due to Ivanhoe kids joining the Minneota District.
And, “Our enrollment has remained steady, which is a good thing for us,” said Superintendent Dan Deitte. The enrollment is steady at 530 students for this school year. He also said he’s proposing all the devices used by kids in the classroom will be on a three-year lease and, “We won’t own them anymore.”
IN OTHER action the board: •Approved volunteer Katie Boettger in softball and Andrew Fadness and Mike Luke as JV baseball coaches and Rebecca Kallhoff as softball JV coach.
•Approved the resignation of Emily Citterman as math teacher effective 2019-2020.
•Approved Les Engler’s resignation as assistant wrestling coach.
•Approved a maternity leave for Tara Skorczewski from April 22 to June 7. She’s the financial director for the school district.
•Approved John Voit for the summer band program for up to 96 hours.
•Approved David Moriarity to teach two semester-long business classes through Minnesota West for the 2019-2020 school year for $6,000 plus a contractual stipend for CollegeNow work.
•Elementary Principal Jennifer Mahan-Deitte said she has “Video-taped teachers actually teaching.” She added, “I had some teachers say they hadn’t seen themselves teaching since they were student teaching — and that’s far too long.” High School Principal Jeremy Frie agreed and both said all teachers would have their lessons video-taped to help them view themselves in an effort to improve.
•“Our biology class got the chance for a hands-on inspection of a euthanized bear and cubs. They also got a chance to snowshoe,” said Principal Frie. “This was a good hands-on experience for our kids,” said the principal. •Noted, ”All the weather days have been made up, if there aren’t any more,” said Supt. Deitte.
•Continued the transportation contract with 4.0 transportation service. There will be a 3.2 percent increase for two years and 2.5 percent increase the two years after that. Supt. Deitte indicated he’s studied other school districts’ transportation contracts and Minneota’s contract is very competitive.
•Approved a revised School Readiness fee schedule for the 2019-2020 school year on the following basis: —Four Day, four-year-old pre-school: Current cost $1,829; 2 percent increase: $1,875. —Three Day, four-year-old pre-school: Current cost $1,459; 2.5 percent increase $1,459. —Two Day, 3-year-old pre-school: Current cost $972; 2.5 percent increase $1,532.