School construction project is winding down

The Minneota School board Tuesday heard a construction update on the recently completed locker room and other projects. “We’re making a list of the little things that need to be done,” he added.
He also said construction on the new garage across from the elementary school continues and hopefully will be finished before winter. Several projects will be done over the MEA vacation this week, including tiling that’s still incomplete.
“We’d hoped to put in the new lockers but they haven’t arrived yet so they may have to be done over Thanksgiving,” said Supt. Deitte. Some of the plumbing is still being done in the renovated locker room area.
He also reported extra money of about $17,000 may be enough to replace several doors that were not previously replaced.
IN OTHER action the board: •Approved Drew Bouwman as a volunteer wrestling coach.
•Approved Aaron Koep and Devann Schultz as Knowledge Bowl coaches. •Approved Kaley Buysse and Samantha Pies as Elementary Student Council co-advisors.
•Approved hiring Nancy Dilley to coordinate the Geography Bee for the 2019-2020 season. Approved Karri Schüler as a kitchen aide.
•Noted teacher negotiations are underway. Superintendent Dan Deitte said the administration has been meeting with the teachers in an effort to reach contract agreement for the coming two years. “The teachers will be presenting a teacher salary proposal that we’ll be looking at. Everything has been going well so far,” he said.
•Heard of a new class in the school. “We are piloting a college business class here,” said Supt. Deitte. “We are glad to be the pilot (for this program),” he added. Other schools and students may take the course.
•Noted the first quarter of school ended this week.
•Noted teacher Ruth Bot has been working in the library and is getting older books weeded out. “At some point we’ll need to get new books,” said Supt. Deitte. “That needed to be done for a long time,” he added.
Bot reported one book found in the library was as old as 1938
. •Talked about staffing levels for the winter sports teams. Boys’ and girls’ basketball each have five coaches. But Supt. Deitte indicated he wants to wait and see the level of participation before deciding how many coaches are needed. The personnel committee will come up with recommendations once the participation numbers are reported.
•Agreed to dismiss school about an hour and half before game time on November 1 IF the Minneota Vikings football team is in the Section 5A finals. (Note: since the game time is uncertain, the game could be moved earlier in the day, in which there won’t be school that day).
•Set the next school board meeting for 7 p.m., Tuesday, November 19 in the conference room.