Plum Creek gets assist from county

The Lyon County Board came to the aid of Plum Creek Library and the local library system Tuesday when they voted to support a $4 million funding increase letter of support for the Regional Library System.
“All the regional library directors are supporting an increase to help Plum Creek,” said Marshall-Lyon County Library Director Michelle Leininger.
“The state’s funding formula for Regional Libraries has decreased each year,” to the extent of 72 percent of the 2009 funding level.
“We can’t do what we do without them so we add our support to this resolution,” said Leininger. Plum Creek has lost $135,000 in the budget because of the decrease enacted on their budget each year.
“We have been able to maintain services eliminated by Plum Creek due to their lack of state funding, by rotating and sharing materials with five public library locations in Lyon County,” said Leininger.
“It has been 10-12 years they’ve been looking to change this budget,” said Commissioner Charlie Sanow.
“We have been able to increase services for Lyon County residents beyond what Plum Creek can currently afford — such as additional digital library offerings,” Leininger said.
“Unfortunately, not all libraries within the Plum Creek System can keep up in the same way the Marshall-Lyon County Library has been doing,” she added.
Leininger called the Regional Library System such as Plum Creek are, “The backbone of the system for public libraries.”
Minneota’s public library uses the services of the traveling Plum Creek Library System, as do all other libraries in Lyon County. In the past Minneota officials have hailed Plum Creek as a necessary cog in the local library system.
IN OTHER action the board: •Approved setting aside $5,000 to help plan the upcoming 150th Anniversary of Lyon County.
They heard Lyon County Museum Director Jennifer Andries talk about the 150th Anniversary in 2020.
“The Historical Society is heading a committee,” to plan the event, said Andries. Ideas for the celebration will come out of this committee.
“We’re collaborating with the Lyon-Marshall County Library,” Andries said. She said booths and floats are being planned for communities in the county. A logo is being developed, “And that should be a starting point,” Andries said.
She said a budget has not been set for the anniversary and asked the board for input. Commissioner Charlie Sanow made a motion to set aside $5,000 for this year as part of the budget for the anniversary celebration.
“I like the idea of a traveling exhibit to go around to the various cities in the county to help with their celebration,” said Commission Chairman Gary Crowley.
Andries also talked about the work being done on the second floor of the museum in preparation for the new exhibit being planned on that floor. A state grant was awarded to help renovate the second floor of the museum.
•Approved expansion of a feedlot conditional use permit for Guy Jeremiason of 2345 Nordland Township on County Road 10. The proposed facility will include expansion of a 101 foot by 194 foot swine confinement barn. The total animal unit capacity will be 1,730 animal units. That’s an addition.
•Accepted a bid of $56,523, the low bid, for construction of the Twin Lakes two-unit Park Bathroom Facility. The park is located near Florence. The low bid was awarded to CXT, Inc. from the State of Washington.
•Approved an additional $4,000 for 2019 to the Southwest Initiative Foundation to help with Lyon County community projects. The board previously approved $4,000.
Last year, the foundation received $8,000 and Commissioner Rick Anderson asked the board to bring the budget back to the $8,000 level. Greg Jodzio, Development Officer of the Southwest Initiative Foundation appeared before the board to thank the board for its support.
“With your help we can continue to organize and support community leaders, invest in businesses and workforce development and help local organizations grow and improve,” said Jodzio.
•Approved hiring Matthew Hoekstra as a sergeant for the county sheriff’s office to start February 25 at a pay rate of $31.31 per hour. Also approved hiring Adam Conner as sergeant starting the same date at $32 per hour.