Minneota school has sound fiscal year
The Minneota School Board last week heard the audit report indicating the district is still in a good financial position. Hoffman and Brobst officials indicated revenues once again exceeded expenditures.
Last school year was the fourth year of the tuition agreement with Ivanhoe. This enrolled an additional 53 students which increases general education aid for the district.
Minneota is maintaining a 30 percent fund balance of the general operating budget.
Community Education
The intent is for the Community Education program to be expanded to include activities for adults and children of the school. If you know of something you would like to see offered or would like to teach, contact Jason at the school.
New golf coaches named
The board approved hiring two new head golf coaches. Greg Gile retired last spring so Walker Hennen will coach the boys and Nicole Evers will coach the girls.
IN OTHER action the board:
•Noted the Building and Grounds report was given by head custodian, Les Engler. The main work from the summer construction project has been completed. Touch up painting is being taken care of by Keven Larson. The door system has been updated and may be accessed remotely.
•Heard the Elementary Principal/Curriculum report given by Jen Mahan-Deitte. The elementary staff will be reviewing the current science standards. There is going to be something new for the Viking Valor program. Kids will intermingle with different age students.
This is an attempt to build unity between the entire elementary school.
•Noted High School report by Jeremy Frie said parent teacher conferences produced a 45–50 percent attendance by high school parents. He went on to say that the format of a one day conference seemed to work quite well. Principal Frie also thanked the band for attending the volleyball tournament three days and helping out at the welcome home.
•Heard Superintendent Dan Deitte report on an update of the Phase I remodeling project. Most of that work has been completed or is scheduled to be completed soon. Deitte stated that he’s are waiting to hear from the state regarding our Flexible Learning Year application.
He also said many of the students stay involved with athletics at tournaments one weekend and in the musical the next week. Minneota Schools certainly include a well-rounded education!
•Accepted insurance bids. HUB Insurance presented their annual bid for ground, property, and liability insurance. Bruce Bossuyt was on hand to answer questions. The workmen’s comp bid was also accepted.
•Discussed the SchoolToday program. This is a computer program that will save time in setting up busing trips and other scheduling details as well as include the opportunity to pay fees online. According to Jeremy Frie, “This is not us being a trailblazer, this is us catching up.”
•The December 17 meeting will begin with Truth and Taxation information. The November meeting was adjourned at 8:54 with Doug Spanton making that motion.
•Hired several para-professionals and Mary Noyes will take on the Student Council effective immediately. The non-certified staff will earn an additional 50 cents per hour effective November 16, 2018.
•The board thanked Larry Buysse and Doug Spanton for their years of service on the board. New members will join the board in January.