Tuesday, August 1, 2023
A Summary of the Proceedings of the Lyon County Board
9:00 a.m. pursuant to notice the Lyon County Commissioners met with the following members present: Commissioners Graupmann, Anderson, Crowley, Draper and Andries. Also present: Administrator Stomberg and County Attorney Wikelius.
MSP to approve agenda with the additions of the Office State Auditor lease, a charitable gambling permit for the Legion Bingo Fair and a charitable gambling permit for the Tracy Eagles Raffle.
MSP to approve the consent agenda as presented.
MSP to approve the 2021 EMPG grant in the amount of $22,162 and authorize the county administrator and board chair to sign the contract.
MSP to approve the 2022 EMPG grant in the amount of $26,584 and authorize the county administrator and board chair to sign the contract.
MSP to approve the renewal for the Lincoln-Lyon County Adult Treatment Court agreement for drug testing to run through June 30, 2024, in the amount not to exceed $2,880.
MSP to approve the language for the Legacy Grant Resolution.
MSP to approve contract for the Office of the State Auditor for 4 years from October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2027 for the amount of $42,469.92.
MSP to approve the charitable gambling permit for the American Legion Bingo at the Lyon County Fair and authorize the county administrator and board chair to sign the agreement.
MSP to approve the charitable gambling permit for the Tracy Eagles Raffle and authorize the county administrator and board chair to sign the agreement.
MSP to do the research and make Jennifer and Paul county employees.
MSP to deny the abatement of penalty and interest for the late payment of real estate for the Marshall Machine Shop.
MSP to accept the DNR Off Highway Vehicle Safety Enforcement Grant in the amount of $9,324 for the next 2 years.
MSP to accept the $2,500 donation from Walmart for the use of body cameras and to send a thank you.
MSP to award the striping contract to Sir Lines A Lot, LLC in the amount of $157,274.34.
Meeting adjourned at 11:33 am.
A copy of these proceedings are available in the County Administrator Office of Lyon County and also available at