Highway 23 project in Marshall enters Phase 2

The Reduced Conflict Intersection (RCI) project on Highway 23 in Marshall enters Phase 2 of construction on Wednesday, September 12, 2018. An RCI is also known as a J-turn.
Motorists will notice lane shifts and additional concrete barriers installed as the work zone moves to the median and crossover areas. The traffic switch will take most of the day on Wednesday.
Eastbound and westbound traffic on Highway 23 will move to the outside lanes while the J-turns are being constructed in the median areas.
Access will now open for right turns onto and from Clarice Avenue, East Lyon Street, and 270th Street which have been closed during Phase 1.
State Patrol will continue to enforce this area throughout Phase 2 work.
For more information on the project and to sign up for updates visit the webpage at www.mndot.gov/d8/projects/hwy23marshall.
MnDOT urges motorists to always slow down and drive with caution through the work zone for their own safety and for the safety of workers.
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