The Golf Course Road still an issue

Last month resident Lynn Okrina, who has a business at 109 Golf Course Road, talked with the council about ditch drainage problems between Golf Course Road to Lyon Street. He asked if the city is planning to fix the problem.
On Monday the council reviewed a report from City Engineer Trent Bruce, who was asked to evaluate the situation — which has long been a problem for the city council.
Bruce indicated, “Issues experienced in the spring relative to surface conditions exist after a spring thaw.
The drainage on both sides of Golf Course Road, south of East Lyon Street, is relatively flat and it’s common for water to sit in these ditches much of the year.”
The City of Minneota has discussed this exchange with the county for another area owned by the county but Lyon County has not budgeted the project at this time.
As a result, Golf Course Road is still the City of Minneota’s problem.
Bruce said, “Water is trapped in the east ditch of Golf Course Road. This is not the city’s jurisdiction to maintain, but has a similar impact on the roadway surface and is constantly in a saturated state.”
Engineer Bruce indicated a “short-term” fix was possible, indicating, “Some limited grading work, and perhaps some drain tile work can be performed to facilitate the drainage. However, the issues will likely re-occur.”
The engineer suggested investing $10,000 (plus or minus) would improve drainage initially. “Then plan for about $5,000 in future years. Our thoughts are to grade out the ditches to try to get them to drain better.”
He said drain tile might provide some relief, “But it would be temporary.” Facing a short-term fix or another plan, the council asked City Administrator Shirley Teigland to get quotes on the temporary project.
IN OTHER action the board: •Passed a resolution setting the total levy at $613,447 for the 2020 year.
It’s actually 16.39 percent, but City Administrator Shirley Teigland said, “While this seems high, It’s not a real number. The council de-certified a TIFF District and that now goes back into a tax capacity,” she said.
She added, “In reality, it’s more like nine percent.” The city must certify a levy and can lower it before the final budget is set but they can’t go higher.
•Heard a report from Minneota Police Chief Bill Bolt indicating a theft from a service truck totaled approximately $12,000.
“Officer Austin Thompson took the initial call and I investigated when I returned. Several items were pawned in Sioux Falls, which led to a search warrant where I found additional property,” said Chief Bolt.
The case is currently under investigation,” said the chief.
•Approved the following zoning permits;
—Nona Gottskalson of 209 S. Jackson Street for a 36x32-foot two-story addition.
—Adeline Richter of 416 East Lyon Street for a replacement of a tin shed with another shed.
—William Drown, who is building two houses at 305 and 307 Third Street.
•Voted to pay for clerk training once the new city clerk is chosen. The council went into closed session to discuss candidates for the position.