Final touches added to ‘Phase I’ school project

“We are finishing Phase I. I know we’ve been saying that forever. But little things pop up — but we’re finishing it,” said Supt. Dan Deitte. “We’ve been having discussion about Phase II. The new gym will get acoustics on the wall and some other work,” he said. The locker rooms are being discussed. “We will have them start March 23 so they will be done by the next school year,” he added. “We are also discussing the vehicle garage and getting that plan underway,” said the Superintendent.
On Tuesday of this week, several companies came to the school to walk through the facilities and see what work has to be done. “Hopefully, we can get a good bid on that,” said Deitte.
THE BOARD spent time thanking Doug Spanton and Larry Buysse for their time on the school board. Both have completed their terms and this was their last meeting. “We’re proud of the work you’ve done here,” said Board Chairman Dawn Van Keulen. “You’re leaving this place better than when you started,” added Board Member Jeff Buysse.
The two reminisced about their time on the board and Buysse joked that maybe there won’t be another construction job. Superintendent Dan Deitte said Buysse began serving before he came to the community (about 2006) and Spanton was appointed to the board after Deitte arrived. He presented both board members gifts from the school district. New board members coming on in January are Tom Skorczewski and Abby Thostenson.
IN OTHER action the board: •Approved Bryce Bruner and Tanner Skillings as wrestler volunteer coaches.
•Approved Kaley Buysse and Amber Rodas as Co-Advisors for Elementary Student Council for the 2018-2019 school year.
•Approved Justin Buysse as Assistant Robotics Coach for the school year at a salary of $1,831.
•Approved Natalie Jerzak as a long term school counselor substitute for Andrea Knutson for two days per week at $32.34 per hour.
•Approved Aubree Cheadle as all-school spring play director for the 2019 school year.
•Approved an amended agreement for a shared teacher with Ivanhoe for a position for the 2018-2019 school year contingent on Kristy Peterson signing her contract.
•Approved Dale Verschelde for the full time custodial position starting on December 4 at a rate of $15.86 per hour for the remainder of the 2018-2019 school year.
•Approved David Moriarty as a long-term substitute for Renae Hanson from January 2, 2019 to January 31, 2017 at $120 per day.
•Approved Amy Pagel’s resignation effective December 18. •Approved Jan Faris as a part-time paraprofessional starting on December 19 for the remainder of the year.
•Approved Jennifer Mahan-Deitte for tenure. She is the curriculum director and elementary principal. She was also given a review as a curriculum director and principal and received high marks from all board members. Mahan-Deitte began as a curriculum director and a couple of years ago took over the job as elementary principal as well. •Superintendent Dan Deitte said all the doors in the building will be on the same locking system and all are controlled by his cell phone. It gives the district complete control on locking up the school.
•Set the new year re-organizational meeting for January 7. The regular school board meeting all be at 7 p.m., January 15.