Economic Development is on the rise in the area

Economic Development continues to grow in Marshall and the Lyon County area. Tuesday Tara Onken, Economic Development Authority Director, told the Lyon County Board, “There is a lot going on in Marshall and the entire Lyon County area.”
Marshall’s Commerce Park is ready for development within a half mile of Highway 59. It is zoned general industrial with on-site storm water retention, utility services, substation, broadband service and natural gas.
“The City of Marshall has over 200 plus acres of industrial park land available for development.”
“One of the factors used is a ‘Pull Factor,’ which is a name used to describe how much business the community is ‘pulling’ into the area.”
“A good pull factor is 1.0 and the Marshall EDA had a 1.56 pull factor, indicating the City of Marshall is generating 56 percent more than expected, based on population,” said Onken.
“Our population is becoming more diversified,“ said Onken.
“Our family levels below the poverty line has continued to decline,” said Onken. There are 410 families below poverty level, she indicated.
“Among the progress made by the Marshall EDA are additional developments at the MERIT Center, the addition of Aldi Grocery and expansions at Menards and Grace Life Church.”
He also noted that, “In the out-of-Marshall area, Russell has expanded the Meadowland Farmers Co-op with a new agronomy center; expansion of Chasing Our Tails from New Hampshire into Tracy and Minneota and the new Dollar General Store in Minneota.”
Many other new buildings also were developed in Marshall and in the Lyon County area.