City takes action on hazardous home

The City of Minneota has determined the property of Melvin Breyfogle at 408 Jefferson Street North is in violation of the city code and after trying to work with Breyfogle, decided Monday night to take further action concerning the property.
Breyfogle moved a house onto the property, but currently has it sitting on a wood basement structure. It’s been deemed a hazard and an eye sore.
“The foundation is open and exposed and there is nothing to prevent people from falling into the hole,” said Glen Petersen, Attorney for the City of Minneota.
Because he has, “violated the city code,” Attorney Petersen said a, “Civil approach is the best plan of action.” According to Peterson, “He’s (Breyfogle) been given administrative notice of violation of city codes. As a result the city requires action for the abasement of the violations,” said Attorney Petersen.
Breyfogle has failed to correct the conditions identified despite notices from the City of Minneota.
“The next step is to seek an order from the district court judge to abate the violations,” said the attorney. The council decided to give Attorney Petersen authority to move ahead with the court abatement. The abatement allows the city to raze or demolish the building. It also allows the city to fix the problem. “All of those costs can be assessed to the property,” said Petersen. The costs, for both the attorney and the work the city does on the house can be attached to the back-taxes.
The court would issue a judgement for the costs and they would be allocated to the properties taxes. “We need to do what’s appropriate with the least expense to the city,” said Attorney Petersen. “The main thing right now is to get the hole filled in so somebody doesn’t get hurt,” said the attorney.
“The goal would be to abate the project,” said Mayor John Rolbiecki. “I’m of the opinion it’s not going to get done, unless we do it,” said the mayor. IN OTHER action the board: •Noted Officer Austin Thompson has completed his field training and is now allowed to work alone. He’s working this week with Chief Bill Bolt on vacation.
•Approved Zoning Permits for:
—Nicholas Genzler of 408 E. Second Street for a wood-concrete pergola.
—Jennifer Mahan-Deitte of 511 Truman Street for a deck and railing.
—Jordan Prellwitz of 504 N. Madison for a four-foot tall chain-link fence.
—Michael Tillemans of 403 E. 4th Street for an aluminum roof to the existing deck off of the second story bedroom
. —Tom Myhre of 217 S. Jackson for removal of a storage building on the west side of the house.