City pays Jackson Street repair bill

Flooded areas on Jackson and Grant Streets in Minneota this summer caused the City to undergo extensive repairs on the streets.
Monday night the City Council accepted the cost of $74,802 for construction costs and engineering, legal and administration costs on the project.
The City of Minneota also submitted this amount to FEMA for reimbursement. The entire project cost was $235,369 plus $26,000 for engineering.
THE MINNEOTA City Hall has again been designated as the annual polling place for elections and will include voters from the City of Minneota, Nordland and Westerheim township.
IN OTHER action the board: •Zoning Permits approved were:
—Jon Anderson of 409 E. Third Street for basement windows.
—Jason Myhre of 605 N. Monroe for an outdoor wood boiler.
•Noted Jeff Yeo is retiring from the Public Works department and there are 11 applications for the position. The council will decide on a schedule for hiring his replacement.
•Heard Dan DeSmet of North Memorial Health review the final Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Minneota (first responders) and North Memorial Ambulance. DeSmet says they’ve worked through various issues on what should be included in regards to inventory. He said the Minneota First Responders had 136 requests so far this year. Over 50 have been to the Minneota Manor.
“Things have been going quite well for them,” said DeSmet. DeSmet indicated he’d keep the council informed about every six months.
•Approved the following individuals for positions on the fire department: Fire Chief Jeff Sussner; First Captain Bruce Laleman; Director Joseph Thostenson.
•Voted to authorize Jacobson and Bergerson of Slayton as auditors.