Kunde to serve as Interim United Way President, CEO

United Way of Southwest Minnesota announces that, Marissa Kunde, will serve as the Interim President and CEO upon the departure of, Marcy Heemeyer, at the end of November.
Kunde is no stranger to the United Way previously serving on the board of directors from 2011-2017 and chairing the annual campaign in 2012.
She has continued as an active committee member for United Way’s Power of the Purse fundraiser and volunteers for other initiatives, such as, Stuff the Bus and the Business Blitz.
Kunde was the previous owner of Title & Abstract Services, LLC. The United Way of Southwest Minnesota’s board of directors has opened the search for a new full-time leader.
The transition and search committee is being led by Amie Ascheman, board chair, and Amy Herrick, board vice chair.
The search committee is made up of current and former United Way board members and other notable area leaders. Heemeyer is leaving after nearly six years to take a new position with North Star Mutual Insurance Company in Cottonwood.