Give ... Advocate... Volunteer!

This time of year we are reminded of the strength and generosity of our communities. There are many ways to give back to your community.
GIVE: One way to support the communities in which we live is by contributing to the 2018-19 United Way of Southwest Minnesota (UWSWMN) Campaign which goes through February 1, 2019. Donations can be made on our website, by mail (PO Box 41, Marshall, MN 56258) or in person at our office located at 800 East Main St., Marshall.
Your donation goes far … but not far away.
ADVOCATE: United Way fights for the health, education and financial stability of every person in every community. In southwest Minnesota, United Way focuses on health, education, financial stability, hunger and safety & well-being.
Our initiatives, community partner programs and partnerships will serve 48,600 local people in 2018-19.
VOLUNTEER: To find volunteer opportunities and wish list items from local organizations, visit our website and click the ‘Volunteer’ tab. One-time or ongoing opportunities are available. Join in making southwest Minnesota a great place to live and work.
The UWSWMN Beer Pairing Dinner at Brau Brothers Brewing Co will be held on February 1, 2019. A limited number of tickets remain and are available for purchase on our website.
The second round of our Small Grants deadline is coming up on January 31, 2019. These grants are a small one-time grant that align with the UWSMN Priority areas listed above. If you or someone you know would like to apply for the grant there will be a Small Grant Workshop on January, 8, 2018 from 3:30 p.m.-4:45 p.m.
Please RSVP to For more information about your local United Way, please visit