Fire hose flag
Minneota Fireman Grant Moorse made this flag out of old fire hoses. He’d seen one like it and made it himself.
Minneota Fireman Grant Moorse made this flag out of old fire hoses. He’d seen one like it and made it himself.
Heidi Guttormsson was the Large Animal Premier Showman at the Lyon County Fair. Laura Knutson was the reserve champion.
Five Minneota kids were awarded 2018 Lyon County Ribbon Auction Scholarships at the Lyon County Fair.
Garrett Moorse and Josh Schuelke of Minneota just spent a week in Columbus, Ohio with the best dairy goats and breeders in the country at the annual American Dairy Goat Association National Show a
The 51st Annual Lake Area Technical Institute graduation ceremony was held Friday, May 11 with 808 graduates receiving their diplomas.
Practice makes perfect for Minneota sophomore Grady Moorse.
Jade Moorse, a third-year student at the University of Minnesota-Duluth, was recently named the Student Woman of the Year at a banquet there.
Senior Gared Moorse celebrated SnoBall Week at Minneota High by dunking like “LeBron James,” and eating a tape worm — or, sorry, a strip of candy during the “games” on Monday.