Grant’s goat grazers
If you happen to see a herd of goats having a snack in your neighbor's back yard, don't be alarmed. They might just be doing their job.
If you happen to see a herd of goats having a snack in your neighbor's back yard, don't be alarmed. They might just be doing their job.
The Minneota School Board viewed the results of the Flexible Learning Year (FLY) survey at its monthly meeting last Tuesday night.
The Marshall Area Fine Arts council (MAFAC) will delight audiences with the next performance in their series, "Sing Us A Song … You’re The Piano Man." Hear the amazing catalog of Billy J
Claire Rost and Parker Bradley were crowned Homecoming Queen and King during the coronation ceremony Monday afternoon in the Viking Gymnasium.
John Rolbiecki has filed to run for another term as mayor of Minneota and will be running unopposed when community members get out and vote on Tuesday, Nov. 5.
Even Nostradamus couldn't have predicted this kind of an outcome.
Minneota native Dana Yost will present his latest published poetry chapbook called "Free-Fall" in the Opera Hall on Saturday, Sept. 28.
Minneota has a unique but vital First Responders class that was offered to those in grades 10-12 this year.
The 2024 Minneota High School Homecoming candidates and attendants. Seniors noted are the King and Queen candidates.