Jars of products available at the Farmer’s Market.

Farmer’s Market moves into second year

After a successful inaugural year, the Farmer’s Market is gearing up for another season in Minneota.

The Farmer’s Market, which will again be located next to Veterans Park on the corner of Jefferson Street and Highway 68, will begin on July 26 and run from 5-7 p.m. every Thursday until October, weather permitting.

“We'd like to have even more people selling this year,” said Jenny Buysse of the Minneota Economic Authority (EDA), which is again organizing the event.

“You don't have to commit to every week. We understand that summers are busy for people. You can come and sell one weekend and maybe not the next.”

There is no vendor fee for those wanting to sell their products. Vendors are entirely independent in all regards, including prices.

Simply bring your own table and chairs, cash box, signs and products. “Some people sell right out of their vans or pickups,” said Buysse.

“Whatever way works best for you is fine.”

Because the market is set up in a good location, the products a vendor intends to sell will be seen by traffic from all directions.

A farmer’s market is a good opportunity for vendors who want to sell retail and for consumers who want to buy food directly from the local producers.

It's always a way for the consumer to meet the farmers who grow your food. Last season saw a variety of products being sold such as vegetables, fruits, fresh herbs, eggs, and prepared foods such as salsa, applesauce, pickles, preserves, honey and baked goods.

And in the fall, vendors are reminded to sell late-season vegetables such as pumpkins and squash at the Farmer's Market.

“We were happy with how well out first year went,” said Buysse.

“But we want to get even more vendors this year, and more people supporting it.”

For more updates and information, vendors and customers can view the Go Minneota Grow and Shop Minneota Facebook pages.

Contact Us

The Minneota Mascot
Address: 201 N. Jefferson
Minneota, MN 56264

Phone:(507) 872-6492