From the Mascot Files: 75, 50, and 25 years ago

75 Years Ago-July 16, 1943
VanDorpe came here in 1900
Pieter VanDorpe, 72, who died July 5 after only a few hours illness from a heart attack, had been a resident of Minneota for 25 years, previous to which he had farmed. He was born in Belgium in 1871, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry VanDorpe, and came to this country in 1900.
Legion planning service tablet
American Legion Post No. 199 of Minneota is preparing a list of men and women in the service to be displayed on a memorial tablet on the Farmers’ and Merchants’ State Bank corner soon.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johnson announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Helen Johnson to Sergeant Arthur N. Jeremiason, son of Mrs. J. D. Jeremiason. The wedding took place Wednesday night, June 16 at the Baptist parsonage in Gatesville, Texas.
Miss June Jonathan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jonathan of Minneota, was married to Murray Ramsay, son of H. M. Ramsay of Ann Arbor, Michigan on Saturday, July 3.
50 Years Ago-July 18, 1968
School addition bonds carry 4.74% interest
A total of 12 bond dealers submitted bids for the $395,000 worth of school building bonds opened by the local school board at a special meeting Tuesday. The winning bid was submitted by the First National Bank of Minneapolis. The First State Bank of Minneota was included with this group. The net interest rate is 4.74%. Diamond finery Cyril Tholkes, Charles Hebrank, Mark Traen and Bruce Ahlschlager were busy putting up the fence at the ball park. The recently renovated diamond, with its grass infield, was put to use for the first time this season Monday evening during a Junior Legion game, when the Minneota team played Granite Falls.
Receives Conservation Plaque
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Schultz was presented a plaque last week for service after serving 15 years as supervisor of the Lyon Soil and Water Conservation District. Schultz has served in several offices at the area and state level as well as in the local district. Mr. and Mrs. Schultz are retiring from farming.
“Tornado Cloud” reported Tuesday
Gayle Bernardy, Minneota’s Civil Defense director, reported Wednesday morning that a “tornado cloud” had been seen southwest of Minneota about 8:35 p.m. on Tuesday by Civil Defense weather reporter David Josephson.
25 Years Ago-July 14, 1993
Compete for teen title
Nicole Briley and Tesa Traen both from Minneota, will be competing for the Miss Teen of Minnesota title held in St. Cloud later in July. Both will be Juniors in Minneota High School this fall.
An aerial view of the water
Thane French assisted The Mascot photographer with aerial photos of Minneota and the surrounding area this past Sunday. He flew his 1971 Cessna Cardinal from Ryan Field in Marshall, where it is housed, and flew many miles to cover the immediate area.
Minneotan earns monthly spirit award
Janet (Moorse) Bottelberghe, Physical Therapist at Weiner Memorial Medical Center, has received the “Spirit of Excellence” Award for July 1993. It is given out each month to an employee who demonstrates the center’s philosophy of service, quality, and commitment.
Minneota Legion Captures Championship Trophy
Minneota captured the Championship of the Madison Legion Baseball Tournament on Saturday, and came away with the Championship trophy.