From the Mascot Files: 75, 50, and 25 years ago

75 Years Ago-July 2, 1943
Farmers can get prisoners for laborers
The possibility of obtaining war prisoners for farm work in Minnesota brightened perceptible Tuesday, Paul E. Miller, director of the state’s emergency farm help program, announced in St. Paul. The number of such prisoners that may be brought in will depend on community reaction and the availability of camp facilities. Prisoners must be housed and fed in groups and will be under guard while at work as well as when off duty. The cost of such labor to farmers will approximate going wages in each community.
Two tank fires in five days
Two fires involving fuel tanks, which might have resulted in explosions and widespread damage, were stopped by action of the fire department within five days here this week. The first alarm came Friday afternoon, when the gasoline tank on Clarence Edward’s car in Geiwitz’s garage caught fire from an electric drill. Mr. Edwards suffered burned hands, but property damage was slight. On Tuesday afternoon, neighbors spied a black cloud of smoke coming from the ground underneath the M. G. T. Oil company’s bulk storage tanks on Jefferson street, alongside which stood a railway tank car on the siding, filled with tractor fuel.
Locy says come for ice before 1 p.m.
H. Locy, the ice man, asks persons who want ice at the icehouse on July 4th or 5th to come for it in the morning, not later than one o’clock p.m. He will be home both days to take care of farmers and picnickers who want ice.
50 Years Ago-July 4, 1968
Going for Eagle Scout
Charles Jackson, 15-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jackson (his father is manager of the Minneota, Ghent and Taunton Co-operative Oil Co.), is getting instructions in painting Minneota’s trash bins from Gayle Bernardy, village employee. In order to qualify for Eagle rank, young Jackson is required to do 20 hours of community service. Jackson will be going to camp next Sunday and has to earn three more merit badges to earn the Eagle rank.
Gets trophy
Champion of the show and Holstein breed champion of Southwestern Minnesota Dairy Day 4-H and FFA cattle show held in Pipestone, June 15, is 10-year-old Darcy Schlecht, son of Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Schlecht of Porter. Darcy is shown with his purebred two-year-old. Presenting the championship rosette is Princess Kay of the Milky Way, Carla Rae Larson of Minneota and Jean Paulson of Pipestone, Region XI Dairy Princess.
Minneota’s new postmaster Medard Debbaut, assistant to the postmaster, is pictured with Joseph Dero, the new postmaster. He was sworn in as Minneota’s postmaster last Thursday afternoon, June 27. Joseph Dero graduated from the Minneota high school with the class of 1939. He served in the American Air Force in World War II and is married to the former Janise Jones and the couple has six children. Mr. Dero served in the local post office as sub mail carrier from 1952 to 1966 and held the post of sub clerk until his appointment as postmaster. He succeeds Clifford Hanson.
25 Years Ago-June 30, 1993
Jury trial to be set for local baker
Donald Bruce Miller, 40, of rural Marshall, appeared in Lyon County Court on Monday, June 28. He is charged with assault in the second degree and assault in the fourth degree, for allegedly brandishing a gun at a man the The Baker’s Inn in Minneota on June 4, 1993. Miller is also accused of assaulting two Minneota police officers, Robert Axford and Joel Brott.
Canby Theater
“The Firm” with Tom Cruise & Gene Hackman “Dave” with Kevin Kline & Sigourney Weaver
Legion team earns 3rd place in Monte
The Minneota American Legion team participated at the Montevideo Legion Tournament at Montevideo on June 26 and 27. Eight teams were in competition, with Minneota coming home with a 3rd place trophy.