From the Mascot Files: 75, 50, and 25 years ago

75 Years Ago-December 22, 1944
Sgt. Earl Werner Reported Prisoner
Mrs. Earl Werner received a telegram on Monday of this week informing her that her husband, Sgt. Werener, is a prisoner of war of the German government. Mrs. Werner is the former Vola Corpe. Sgt. Werner was reported missing October 20 over Yugoslavia.
Pvt. Alphonse Sturm wounded in action
Mrs. Alphonse Sturm, of St. Leo, received a telegram from the War Department last Wednesday, stating that her husband, Pfc. Alphonse Sturm had been slightly wounded in action on November 29 in Germany.
Vikings take two from Balaton
Minneota high school’s basketball team took two games from Balaton during the past week. In a game here last Friday, the Vikings won 65 to 31, and they were victors there on Monday, by a score of 31 to 24.
Sgt. Harold Jonathan Killed in Action on Western Front
Sgt. Allan Harold Jonathan was killed in action on the western front, according to word received here by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jonathan, on Monday of this week.
50 Years Ago-December 25, 1969
A group of boys helped Ricky Pesch celebrate his sixth birthday Monday after school. Those who came were Larry and Lenny Burges, Billy Anseeuw.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Trotts, Watertown, Wisconsin, announce the engagement of their daughter, Barbara Jo to Robert Schulte, son of Dr. and Mrs. John M. Schulte, Minneota. A June 20th wedding is planned. Mr. and Mrs. Albert DeMartelaere announce the engagement of their daughter, Cheryl Elaine, St. Paul, Minnesota, to Wayne Hauschild, St. Paul, Minnesota, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hauschild, of Hendricks, Minnesota. A June wedding is being planned.
Farm prices
Mid-November farm prices this year were as follows: Corn averaged 93 cents per bushel, a nine cent decline from October; Soybean prices received by farmers averaged $2.21 per bushel, down 17 cents from a year earlier; Wheat held steady at $1.53 per bushel; and hogs averaged $24.90 per hundredweight.
25 Years Ago-December 21, 1994
Lots of wrapped packages
The Home Economics room at the public school has been in a wonderful disarray, thanks to the generosity of so many people in the Minneota, Ghent and Taunton communities. Mandy Gawarecki, Kristin Regnier, Sara Kosmalski, April VanLeeuwe, Amy Fox and Bobbi Jo Davis along with the FLA/FHA members were among the many students helping wrap gifts for the Toys for Tots Program.
Leo Coequyt farm home damaged
The Minneota Fire Department was called to the Leo Coequyt farm northeast of Minneota on December 17 in the afternoon. The fire occurred in the basement of the home and was quickly extinguished.
Do I have to be so close?
Little Lee Bot, son of Bruce and Juanita Bot of Minneota, has not yet found out what Santa is all about. Many children stopped to visit with Santa on Saturday during the Christmas in Minneota event. About 300 people had dinner at the American Legion, which was sponsored by the Minneota Area Chamber of Commerce. The Minneota Community Band, under the direction of John Voit, provided traditional Christmas music while the meal was served.
A second chance
The varsity girls’ basketball team lost a heartbreaker with RTR last Tuesday night, dropping their game 66-67 in overtime. Then they defeated Lake Benton and Ellsworth in more action this week.
C/M team members awarded plaques
These members of the Canby/Minneota Cross Country team were awarded handsome plaques for their fine team participation this past season; Matt Rand, Alyssa Downing, Nicole Anderson, Peter Janiszeski and Nancy Loyson, coached by Bill Bredeson.