From the Mascot Files: 75, 50, and 25 years ago

75 Years Ago-August 11, 1944
Killed in France
Mr. and Mrs. Renil Van Hyfte, who live near Taunton, received a telegram on Wednesday morning of this week that their son, Pfc. Henry B. Hyfte, had been killed in action in France on Thursday, July 27.
Clifford Brue, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bennie Brue, former Swede Prairie residents, was married to Miss Norma Jensen of Tyler at the First English Lutheran church at Tyler on Sunday, July 16.
Pvt. and Mrs. Clarence Bernary are the parents of a girl born August 7. John Buretta and Herman Grozinger won their respective flights at the golf tournament at Marshall.
Country News-Taunton
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Swedzinski received word that their son, Lt. Raymond Swedzinski, was missing in action in Europe.
50 Years Ago-August 14, 1969
Fourth Minneotan dies in Viet Nam Conflict
Pfc. Lyle Gordon Leppke, age 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Leppke of rural Minneota, is the fourth man from this community to lose his life in the South Viet Nam conflict. His death occurred in the vicinity of Ashau Valley. He had been in South Viet Nam about two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Winter announce the engagement of their daughter, Darlene Kay, to Richard Josephson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Josephson of Ivanhoe. No definite wedding date has been planned.
St. Edward’s Catholic Church was the scene of the wedding of Ruth Stassen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stassen, Taunton, and Roger Jackson, Brookings, S.D., son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Jackson of Minneota, on Saturday, July fifth.
Local liquor store nets $18,200 in ‘68
Minneota’s liquor outlet, the municipal store, netted $18,241.31 on business it handled during 1968, according to the auditor’s report of village finances. Sales at the store amounted to $102,295.49 and the profit margin was 17.83 per cent.
School board hires five teachers
Several teacher contracts were approved by the local school board at its regular monthly meeting. Mrs. Susan Jirele will teach vocational home economics. Julie Ekstam will serve as art instructor. Carol Nordvold will teach English and speech. Mrs. Robert Schrunk will teach morning classes in home economics. Mrs. Agnes Hebert will serve as instructor for one of the morning kindergarten classes.
25 Years Ago-August 10, 1994
Something to shoot for
Entrants in the Boxelder Bug races this year, will have something to “shoot for” - a genuine hand crafted Boxelder Bug Trophy, to be awarded to the winner in this year’s races. Everett Nagelhout is the “designer and crafter” of the trophy.
New contest is fun addition to city festival
A new contest prior to Boxelder Bug Days has been worked out - and you are “in on it” this week. Perhaps you have notice the “crazy legs” lines in the past editions of our paper. They were to get you interested. Shows antique tractor Paul Fonteyn, Minneota resident and an unidentified “passenger”, are pictured driving their Farmall tractor in the Ghent Belgian American Days parade last Saturday evening. Paul is towing a promotion float for the Hanley Falls “Pioneer Power Threshing Show”, which is to be held next weekend, August 13,14.
Installation held at Hemnes Lutheran on Sunday
Rev. Simon Fensom was installed as Pastor of Hemnes Lutheran Church in a special service held there on Sunday, August 7th.
Lady golfers win the annual Silver Cup Tournament
These ladies were members of the Countryside Golf Club Team who won the annual Silver Cup Tournament on August 8th in Minneota Beth Brewers, Corky DeCock, Marny Gislason, Rita VanDorpe, Lonna Stensrud, Dorie Teigland, Elaine Buysse and Bernie Janssen.