From the Mascot Files: 75, 50, and 25 years ago

75 Years Ago-July 21, 1944
The Methodist church at Marshall was the scene of the wedding of Miss Evelyn Faye Kennedy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry D. Kennedy of near Marshall, and Arnold McDaniel, son of Mrs. Marie McDaniel of Island Lake, on Sunday, July 9. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Julius Locy are the parents of a girl born on Sunday, July 16. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon VanLerBerghe are the parents of a boy born July 13. He will be named Wayne Gordon.
50 Years Ago-July 24, 1969
Scout Troop Wins Trophy
Minneota Boy Scout Troop No. 30 spent last week at camp at Lake Shetek and returned home Saturday bringing home a trophy for winning first place in aquatics events. The boys are Steven Baugher, Douglas Jackson, David Wigness, Paul Geiwitz, Kevin Josephson, Brent Larson, Kenneth Amundson, James Tillemans, John Pennings, Steven Dero, Mark Stassen, Mark Hanson, Kevin Baugher, Wade Lamphere, Richard Christianson and Scoutmaster Harold Jackson.
Minneota Public School to bus parochial students next term
Parochial students in the Minneota school district will be riding public school buses this coming term. Such was the decision announced n the local board of education at a special meeting. It follows on the heels of the so-call “fair busing” law passed by the 1969 state legislature.
Ethiopian Boy to be Student Here
Befekadu Wolde of Dire Dawa, Ethiopia, has been awarded a scholarship by the American Field Service for one year of study in this country and he will be spending his year of study as a senior at the Minneota high school. Wolde will be staying with the Anton Traen family of the Taunton community for the coming year. The Traens have a son, John, who will also be a senior at the local high school this fall.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Buysse announce the engagement of their daughter, Jacqueline Kay, of Mankato, to John Reedy, of Mankato, son of Mrs. Winifred Reedy, also of Mankato. The wedding is planned for September 13. Smith-Sloneker St. John’s Evangelical Lutheran church, Hancock, Minnesota, was the setting for the wedding on Sunday, April 20, of Marilyn Sloneker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Merril Sloneker, Hancock, and Alvin Lee Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Smith, Minneota.
11 4-Hers chosen for fair trips
Following is a listing of Minnesota State Fair trip winners who live in this part of Lyon County: Janell Buysse, Westerheim; Bernard DeCock, Grandview; Carol Vermeersch, Grandview; and Lyle DeCock, Grandview.
25 Years Ago-July 20, 1994
Belgian-American Day candidates
Belgian-American Days in Ghent will be celebrated August 5, 6, and 7 this year, and the selection of a Queen and Princess and Little Miss Ghent will again be a part of the celebration. Candidates for Queen and Princess are Trisha Andries, Lisa Gilbertson, Cari Boerboom, and Stacey Van Keulen. Candidates for Little Miss Ghent are Jill Schroepfer, Jamie Breyfogle, Tawnya Boerboom, Ashley Crowley, Paige Olevson and Brooke Hennen.
Golf course gets hit again by vandals
Countryside Golf Club was the scene of a great tournament on Sunday, and later Sunday evening someone felt it necessary to do damage out there. This time, a vehicle drove on the course, and did extensive damage on the first hole green.
Crazy Day Contest winners
Judges from the Crazy Day promotion in Minneota on July 15 declared these three business people winners in the Minneota Area Chamber of Commerce competition. Third-place-winner Lois VanDePutte from Community First National Bank dressed as a volleyball player; second-place-winner Mitzi Myrvik of Gislason Hardware & Fleet Supply in her going-to-the-beach wear; and first-place-winner Gayle VanVooren ready for a football game.
Church windows damaged
Some of the windows on the north side of Sts. Cyril & Methodius Catholic Church in Taunton were damaged by last Monday afternoon’s hail storm.