From the Mascot Files: 75, 50, and 25 years ago

75 Years Ago-June 23, 1944
Vice Counsul
Hjalmar Gjornson, former editor of The Mascot, and now Minneapolis Star and Tribune writer, has been named Icelandic vice counsul for this area. The appointment was announced in the cable from the Icelandic government on Friday of last week.
On Sunday evening, Miss Bernice Winckler, daughter of Mrs. Paul Winckler, of Pierre, S.D., became the bride of Ole E. Haugejorde, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Haugejorde of Minneota.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Richards are the parents of a nine-pound girl born Firday, June 16. Country News-Eidsvold Miss Margaret Benson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Benson, and Warren Nord were married at the St. Paul Icelandic Lutheran church on Sunday evening.
50 Years Ago-June 26, 1969
Minneota man dies in South Vietnam
Army Specialist Fourth Class Thomas J. Bradley of Minneota died in an Army hospital in South Vietnam on Thursday of last week, June 19. Bradley was 21 years old and the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Bradley.
Part of a Canadian Catch
Three northerns, weighing 13, 15, 17 pounds were part of a catch brought from Savant Lake, Ontario, Canada, by a couple of Taunton nimrods, Erwin Fier and Rev. Richard Gross. They were accompanied by Erwin’s brother, Ed, and Connie Hoffman of New Ulm.
Cantons winners of Golf Tourney
John Canton and his son Bob of Taunton were winners of last Sunday’s father-son golf tourney here with a low gross score of 44. Francis Teerlinck and son, Paul, were second with a total of 49 and third were E.E. Nordquist and son, Dane with a count of 50.
St. Edward’s Catholic church of Minneota was the scene of the marriage of Patricia Laleman of Minneota, and Clarence Louwagie of Cottonwood on May 24. Patricia is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Laleman of Minneota and Clarence is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Rene Louwagie of Cottonwood.
25 Years Ago-June 22, 1994
Minneota Board hires Superintendent
At a special board meeting on Monday night, Orlyn Wiemers of Walnut Grove signed a contract with the District #414 Board for the Superintendent of Schools position. Mr. Wiemers will be the Acting Superintendent until July 15 and then will take over the full-time position with Minneota.
Local Rotary celebrates 40th Anniversary
The Minneota Rotary Club held a 40th Anniversary party on Tuesday night, June 14th, at the Madison Avenue Apartments Community Room with approximately 40 people in attendance. The local club members were in attendance, as well as guests from the Canby and Marshall Clubs.
A new uniform in town
Minneota has the services of Mr. Dennis Ozmun, our new Police officer since earlier in June. Mr. Ozmun is familiar to many, as he was a graduate of Minneota High School in 1961. He is a part time officer at this time and we all welcome him to our community.
Sister Helen Janssen retires
Sister Helen Janssen retired from active teaching this Spring, after having worked with children for 51 years. The past twelve years she has been a first grade teacher at St. Edward’s School. Sister Helen was presented with the annual Community Service Award at the 40th Anniversary celebration of the Rotary.
50th Anniversary as a Sister of St. Joseph
During a DeLanghe family reunion on Saturday, July 2nd, Julie DeLanghe will celebrate her 50th year as a Sister of St. Joseph of Carondelet.