From the Mascot Files: 75, 50, and 25 years ago

75 Years Ago-June 9, 1944
Eight report
The following men from Minneota have been ordered to report for pre-induction physical examinations on June 18: Aschiel T. Kimpe, Louis J. Buysse, Ordell D. Bernardy, John H. Geiwitz, Leopold V. Vlaminck, Alton O. Teigland, Eldon E. Johnson, Ellisworth L. Hanson.
Pledges Crop
Albert Taveirne, a farmer living near Ghent, who came to this county in 1920, pledged his 1944 crop to the Treasury in form of war bonds. Mr. Taveirne was living in Belgium during the first World War, on a farm in Flanders battlefield.
Ethel Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Johnson and Delbert Magnuson of Brooklyn Center, were married on June 3rd, at St. Olaf Lutheran Church in Minneapolis. Bot-Thorsteinson Miss Lillian Thorsteinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Thorsteinson and Frederick Bot, son of Mrs. Gertrude Bot of Ghent, were united in marriage at St. Eloi Catholic Church at Ghent on Wednesday, May 24.
Miss Josephine Kockelman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kockelman and Joseph Differding were married in a double ring ceremony in St. Leo Catholic Church Wednesday, May 24.
50 Years Ago-June 12, 1969
Two graduates
Fred Josephson, son of S. Frank Josephson of Minneota, had the tassel adjusted before he graduated from General Beadle College, Madison, S.D., May 29th by his daughter, Nancy Jean, who graduated from high school that evening.
Hennen shows top dairy animal
Greg Hennen, Ghent, exhibited a Holstein cow at Lyon County Dairy Days at Russell last week, and was awarded the championship in the advanced animal class and also the grand championship of the show and a $25 bond. Another Hennen, Richard, also exhibited the champion dairy calf.
School board hires three teachers
Three teaching contracts were approved by the local school board at their regular monthly meeting. Jane Weber will teach seventh and eighth grade mathematics. Linda Merrifield will teach the special education class. James Skarp will serve as school librarian.
Steve Lason, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lason, was among twelve young people from the Southern Minnesota District of the A. L. C. selected for the All-State-Lutheran choir that will make a week-long concert tour this summer.
Re-Doing Minneota Street
Workmen of Delmo Kompelien Construction were busy the first part of the week repairing and widening a 300-foot portion of county road adjacent to the swimming pool on north Madison Street.
25 Years Ago-June 8, 1994
Honored at banquet
The Minneota American Legion Auxiliary honored it’s Gold Star Mothers with a banquet on Thursday evening of last week. The Gold Star Mothers are: Carrie Verschelde, Lucille Culshaw, Cecelia Lozenski, Bernice Bradley and Audrey Ahlschlager.
It’s a “Family Affair” at the Manor
Marie Coquyt, four daughters and a granddaughter are present employees at the Minneota Manor. Several two-generation families have been employed at the Manor, but this is the first time that three generations in one family have been employed at the same time. They are: Marie Coquyt, daughter Katie Grengs, Jackie Opdahl, Sue Bueltel, Vicki Kack and granddaughter Chrissy Pesch.
Local golfer added to Club honor list
Virgil Gislason, Jr., will have his name added to the Countryside Golf Club Hole-in-One plaque. He attained this fete on Friday, June 3rd, when he sank a hole-in-one on the third hole of the local course. It is said that he used a 6 iron on the shot.