From the Mascot Files: 75, 50, and 25 years ago

75 Years Ago-June 2, 1944
Buys building
V.V. Gislason became the owner of the Mootz building in a deal completed last week. He purchased the property from Al Mootz of Minneapolis. This is the building which now houses the Ken Jones barber shop and Elizabeth’s beauty shop and is located next to Mr. Gislason’s hardware store building.
Thirty-five seniors will receive diplomas here Friday night at commencement exercises at the Minneota high school.
New bandstand
A new permanent bandstand is being erected in Memorial Park by Amundson and Johnson, local contracting firm. The structure will be 20 feet by 24 feet, and will be completely screened in, the lower part being covered with white asphalt shingles.
The Church of St. Clothilde at Green Valley was the scene of the wedding of Miss Louise Prairie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Prairie of Marshall, and Mr. John G. Ahern, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Ahern of Taunton, on Monday, May 22.
Arle Arnason, daughter of Mrs. C.W. Arnason, St. Paul and the late C.W. Arnason, and Lt. Edwin W. Mogren of Fort Bliss, Texas, son of Andrew W. Mogren, St. Paul, were married Sunday, May 21.
50 Years Ago-June 5, 1969
Receives safe driving award
Postmaster Joseph Dero presented Carl Strand with the 39-Year Safe Driver Award which the National Safety Council had asked him to give to the Minneota rural mail carrier, Mr. Strand, who started carrying mail to farms back on March 1, 1925, has never been involved in a serious auto accident. During the early winters of his career he often used horses and sometimes took mail out to his patrons on foot when roads were impassible even for horses and at one time had a vehicle that resembled the present-day snowmobile.
20 in St. Edward’s graduating class
Twenty students will be completing their education at St. Edward’s school here this week.
In Air Force
Miss Deborah P. Dero, daughter of Postmaster and Mrs. Joseph Dero, was sworn into the Air Force (WAF). She took her oath of enlistment in Sioux Falls, S.D., last Thursday, graduated from the local high school that evening and was flown from Sioux Falls to Lackland Air Force base, San Antonio, Texas, Saturday.
Getting degree ‘With Distinction’
Gerald Boulton, a ‘65 graduate of the Canby high school, will receive his diploma from the University of Minnesota, Morris. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boulton of rural Porter.
Broughton gets local scholarship
The Mascot learned that the 1969 Minneota Education association scholarship for a prospective teacher had been awarded to Gene Broughton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Broughton.
25 Years Ago-June 1, 1994
Minneota’s newest park
Minneota’s newest park was the scene of dedication ceremonies at 2 p.m. on Memorial Day, Monday, May 30, 1994. About 100 people gathered as Minneota Park Board Chairman Gayle “Bud” Bernardy served as Master of Ceremonies to dedicate the Lester R. Christianson Park on the south end of Minneota. St. Edward’s Catholic School 1994 Graduating class St. Edward’s School held graduation ceremonies for its twenty eighth-grade graduates on Thursday, May 26th at 7:30 p.m.
Minneota High School graduates 49 students
Sunday, June 5th at 2 p.m., marks the 1994 Minneota High School commencement exercises. Forty-nine students will graduate from the local school at the ceremony.
New record set at golf club May 21
News was received this week that Minneota’s Jesse Larson has set a new record at the Countryside Golf Club. Larson shot a 31 on Saturday, May 21, which breaks the old record of 32, held by a number of people.