From the Mascot Files: 100, 75, 50 or 25 Years Ago

100 Years Ago February 13, 1920
Married in Bed
We have always said that if Adelaide Whiting set her mind on doing a thing, she would find a way in spite of all difficulties. This proved to be the case last week. Miss Whiting had picked Wednesday of that week as the day on which she would be married. Plans were all arranged, and every detail, including a handsome bridegroom, had been carefully looked after. But the unanticipated flu epidemic almost interrupted her plans. Despite being confined to her bed with the “bug,” Miss Whiting decided to go ahead with the wedding as planned and at the appointed time became the bride of Chester Anderson in a bedside ceremony officiated at by Rev. Roi Tibbits. Miss Whiting was county superintendent of schools. Mr. Anderson is county engineer.
Electric Whistle
The electric whistle that is being tried out at the city hall and which is to be used as a fire alarm if the council accepts it is, it may be safely said, not a howling success. It has the same tone of voice as the train whistle, but lacks the force of the latter. It seems to be the opinion of those who claim to know that electric whistles are not satisfactory and that steam whistles are the only successful whistles.
75 Years Ago February 9, 1945
Anna Stassen
Funeral services for Miss Anna Marie Stassen, who died Monday, were held Wednesday morning at St. Edward’s church, Rev. Philip Casey officiating. Miss Stassen died at the home of her nephew, Edward DeSmet, and was 58 years old at the time of her death. She is survived by two brothers, Mike and Harry Stassen, of Minneota.
Pfc. Stanley Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Johnson, who was with American troops when they landed on Leyte Island, is spending a 21-day furlough with his parents here. Johnson, who is a member of the signal corps, has been serving in the Pacific theatre for 34 months, and this is the first furlough he has had.
Interesting Bits from 65 Year-Old Paper
While remodeling an old house, Iver Hove found fragments of issues of the St. Paul and Minneapolis Weekly Pioneer Press published in 1879 which had some mighty interesting information. Such items as: the Chicago and Northwestern Railway advertising “No other road runs, pullman hotel cars, or any other form of hotel cars, through or between Chicago and the Missouri river; Minnesota tramps took a beating from the state Senate when a bill was introduced to make tramps work for a living, and another to arrest, fine and punish them.”
50 Years Ago February 12, 1970
Unique Bi-Partisan Telecast Planned
Something unique in American political history will occur on Tuesday, February 24; this will be a statewide telecast to the political party caucuses involving joint appearances of the leaders of the two major political parties in Minnesota. This possibly comes about because, for the first time in state history, local precinct caucuses will be held on the same evening , though not necessarily at precisely the same time. Two half-hour telecasts over facilities of the Minn. State Educational Television Network will be beamed at 6 & 8 p.m.
Kathy Tillemans Rated a “Best Actress”
Last Saturday When the Minneota high school cast of “The Crucible” competed in the state one-act play contest at Robbinsdale last Saturday, it won a “B” rating for its efforts, and Kathy Tillemans, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Tillemans, of this village, was one of five girls nominated for “best actress.” Teams from Bloomington and Robbinsdale were winners of “A” ratings. The region-winning plays were given during the day, and the casts and directors attended a banquet in the evening at the Robbinsdale school. This was the first time that the Minneota high school has had an entry in the state one-act play meet.
25 Years Ago February 8, 1995
Local Group to Perform at Valentine Show
The St. Edward School Valentine benefit will be held on Sunday, February 12. The social hour will begin at 6:00 p.m., followed by a stead dinner at 7:00. This will all occur in Goblirsh Hall. Entertainment this year will be provided by a men’s quintet. The member of this group include Fred Rabaey, Paul Rabaey, Neal Bot, John Voit, and Chris Shuckart. The group will sing a medley of various music, including 50’s and doo-wop.
New Skating Rinks Dedicated
Last Sunday, February 6, was the dedication day for the local skating rinks that were constructed on property owned by the school district on the east side of town, which is being leased by the city. The site consists of two rinks, one for “general skating” and the other for hockey, complete with boards surrounding the rink and a warming house between the two rinks. Chuck Konold, the “guiding force” behind the project, gave a report on his “efforts” on the construction of the rinks. All speakers thanked the volunteers that had helped with the construction of the facility.