From the Mascot Files: 100, 75, 50 or 25 Years Ago

100 Years Ago Febuary 6, 1920
William Davis and Mrs. Lillian Ahnlund came from Minneapolis the first part of the week, where they had been married recently, and have been spending part of their honeymoon as guests at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Wahlstrom.
The Taunton village council has placed a ban on dances during the flu epidemic. New shop Edgar Hanson and Bjorn Holm have just opened a shop for electrical service. They will handle fixtures, do repair work, install lighting plants and wire buildings.
75 Years Ago February 2, 1945
Church Purchases Organ
A reconditioned Sanoine pipe organ will be installed in Sts. Cril and Methodius Church in Taunton in time for Easter services, and a new floor will be laid in the church in the near future by the Altar Society, according to information received from Rev. John Powelski this week.
Geiwitz Awarded Air Medal
Wendell F. Geiwitz has been awarded the Air Medal for his “faithful and courageous service in combat” a short time before his death, according to a letter received by John G. Geiwitz, from Wendell’s chaplain. Memorial services were held at Hope Lutheran Church. New “Dress” The Mascot calls attention to its readers to the new type in which this issue is set. It’s called Intertype Regal and is supposed to be one of the most legible type faces on the market. It is slightly larger than that used previously by the Mascot. More white space between the letters makes it much more reader friendly and easier on the eyes.
T/5 Bernard Tillemans, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Tillemans, arrived home after a 21-day furlough after 33 months spent in the South Pacific Theater. Returning with Bernard was T/5 Stanley Helgeson, the son of Mr. amnd Mrs. H.K. Helgeson, who had been overseas in the Pacific Theater for 36 months. Pfc. Anton Orsen left Tuesday morning to report back for duty in Hot Springs, Ark. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson at the Sanderson Maternity Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Traen of Taunton are the parents of a girl born on Jan. 30 at the Sanderson Maternity Hospital. Mrs. Murray Ramsey, Mrs. Dave Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Rhode and son, Ronnie, of Ann Arbor, Mich., visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Jonathan. A/S Willis Rye arrived to spend a few days at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Rye. Willis has a 10-day leave after completing his boot training in Faragut, Idaho. Cpl. and Mrs. Lawrence Dero arrived from Minneapolis. Cpl. Dero is spending his furlough with his family in Minneota.
50 Years Ago February 5, 1970
State Contest
The cast of the play “The Crucible”, which was awarded first place in the Region III one-act play competition held in Dawson, will be competing in the state contest Saturday in Robbinsdale. In the state contest, they will be competing with casts from all over Minnesota. Debaters sixth in Region Meet The Minneota High School debate team, coached by Herbert Pagel, placed sixth in the Region III debate tournament held in New Ulm. The affirmative side, consisting of Keith VanOverbeke and William Ufkin, defeated Granite Falls but lost to Glencoe and Hutchinson. The negative side, consisting of Greg Regnier and Marc Larson, beat Tracy and Ortonville, but lost to Marshall. A total of 12 teams competed in the meet.
25 Years Ago February 1, 1995
Dedication for New Rinks
The Minneota Chamber of Commerce invited all area residents to the grand opening/dedication of the newly developed hockey and figure skating rinks in Minneota. Chuck Konold was instrumental in getting the new facility going, due in part to his concern for the community and the future of skating here. A warming house was purchased from the Marshall Hockey Association and moved to the location. The dedication ceremony included hay rides and sleigh rides and a luncheon at the Community Center.
Peace Movement
As part of Catholic Schools Week, students were asked to study and sign a Pledge of Peace. Posters were made by eighth graders to help support the statement and purpose. The Pledge of Peace was due in part because of too much violence in the world and the St. Edward students were doing their part to start the campaign. The goals were to: (1) Understand conflict and violence, especially bullying. (2) To build skills in identifying violence and resolving conflict. (3) To build a peaceful and safe school environment.
Star of the Week
Joey Sik was named the “Star of the Week” in Miss Hesse’s class for never giving up and for always keeping a positive attitude.