From the Mascot Files: 100, 75, 50 or 25 Years Ago

100 Years Ago January 30, 1920
Minneota’s Eldest
Do you know who the oldest inhabitant of Minneota is? The census enumerator tipped us off. It is Valgerdur Josefsdottir, mother of John Williamson, who is living with her son and is 102 years of age. Of course, a census enumerator never tells anything about his official business, but we were talking the other day with John Nicholson, who has been counting noses in this district for some time, and he tells us that those who have an inflated idea about the population of this town are going to be disappointed when the returns come in.
Texas Trip
F. C. Vanderwalker, Henry Moe, William Salmon, and probably others from this locality whose names we have not learned, are on their way to Texas to look into a land investment proposition. They can make the round trip for $35, which includes board for two weeks, transportation to Texas and back, and a 500 mile auto trip along the Mexican border. It is cheaper to take this trip than to stay at home.
No Dancing
There will be no dancing in Minneota for a while, owing to the influenza epidemic that appears to be making a good deal of progress in some of the neighboring communities, among them Cottonwood, Marshall, Balaton, Russell, and other localities. The local Board of Health and the Village Council, in joint session, acting upon the advice of local doctors, decided to place a ban on dances here for an indefinite period. The local doctors say that there is not a single case of influenza in Minneota; therefore, the schools, the theatre, churches, and all other local gatherings that do not attract people from outside the territory, will remain open.
75 Years Ago January 26, 1945
Missing in Action Word was received last week by Mr. and Mrs. Gust VanMoorlehem that their son, Pvt. Arthur VanMoorlehem, was missing in action in Belgium.
A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Wyffels on Friday, January 19 at the Pipestone hospital.
50 Years Ago January 29, 1970
Hog House and Pigs Destroyed by Fire
Sows and 90 small pigs, ranging between 20 and 25 pounds, were killed early Tuesday morning when fire almost completely destroyed a 22 x 26 foot hog house on the August Verschelde farm.
MHS One-Act Play Wins
District Meet “The Crucible,” a one-act play presented by a cast of Minneota high school students and directed by Miss Carol Norvold, won the district meet which was held here. It will now compete in the regional contest at Dawson. Members of the Minneota play cast are: Douglas Spanton, Gary Richards, Craig Jackson, Rhonda Pesch, Robin Pesch, Gloria Coequyt, Robin Hammer, Kathy Tillemans, and Rita Baugher. Stage manager is William Ufkin and Laurie Wigness is assistant director.
Two Students on College Choir Tour
Two students from this community who are attending St. Olaf college, Northfield, Marcus Christianson and Eric Heggeseth, are members of the St. Olaf College Choir, which will tour the southeast and Atlantic coast states. In June of this year, the choir will go abroad and perform at music festivals in Germany, Austria, and Holland. Delegate Robin Pesch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Pesch, was one of fourteen delegates from the state of Minnesota to attend the Future Homemakers of America meeting at the Centennial office building on the State Capitol ground in St. Paul.
Anne DeCock Wins Homemaker Award
Anne C. DeCock has been named Minneota High School’s 1970 Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow. She is now eligible for state and national honors.
25 Years Ago January 25, 1995
Spirit Week Planned for Sno-ball Minneota High School students will be holding their annual Sno-Ball festivities this coming week, including the coronation on Monday and the dance on Friday. Spirit Week encourages students to search their wardrobe for clothing fitted to these themes: dress-up day, twin day, sports day, nerd day, and blue and gold day. Candidates for Sno-Ball 1995 include: Freshmen: Adam Gorecki, Andy Hennen, Nancy Loyson, and Sarach Lundberg. Sophomores: Shannon Haugen, Jake Head, Pete Janiszeski, and Jenny Pohlen. Juniors: Roberta Bottelberghe, Kurt Gillund, Eric Laleman, and Wendy Loftus. Seniors: Robert Fadness, Bjorn Junt, Jami Rolbiecki, and Tesa Traen.
Saint Edward School to Kick Off Catholic Schools Week
Saint Edward School students will begin their celebration of Catholic Schools Week on Sunday, January 29. Following the national theme of “Catholic Schools: Schools You Can Believe In,” the students and teachers have a busy week packed with dress up days and fun activities.