From the Mascot Files: 100, 75, 50 or 25 Years Ago

100 Years Ago-January 16, 1920
Rex Theatre
Minneota’s new show house, the “New Rex Theatre,” will be opened next Monday evening. This theatre has been in the making since last spring and is a show house that every Minneotan can take pride in. Rex Krohling will be the manager of the new theatre, and it will be known as “The Rex.” He tells us that he intends to put on just as good shows as the patronage will demand and warrant.
Pipe Organ
At the Church of St. Edward the confessor next Sunday morning, a large and handsome pipe organ will be blessed. This organ has just been installed and is a gift of one of the members of the congregation. The name of the generous donor is withheld at his own special request. The organ cost two thousand dollars and is a beautiful instrument, one that gives every promise of faithful service. The organist will be Miss Marie Finnegan, who took a spec-course in pipe organ playing in Minneapolis.
Basketball Team
The Minneota basketball team went to Brookings, SD last Friday and played the Brookings high school team there that evening. At the end of the game, the score stood 14 to 14, and it was agreed to play for five minutes more to work off the tie. At the end of that time, neither side had scored, so a second five minute period was agreed upon, and this resulted in two points for Minneota, leaving the score 14 to 16.
75 Years Ago-January 11, 1945
P.J. Thorson
Funeral services were conducted at St. Lucas church on Wednesday afternoon of last week for Peter J. Thorson, prominent Swede Prairie farmer, who died Sunday afternoon, December 31. He was 74 years old at the time of his death. Rev. Mauland had charge of the services. Surviving Mr. Thorson are his wife, son and daughter, one brother, and one sister. He was preceded in death by his parents, three brothers, and a sister.
Mrs. E.T. Sanderson and daughter Margaret eft Tuesday morning for Minneapolis; from there, they left for New York City. There, they expect to visit for a couple of weeks with Edward, who is now first associate editor of “Weekly” magazine, and with Captain Eric Sanderson, who is stationed at the England hospital in Atlantic City, N.J.
50 Years Ago-January 15, 1970
Bank Stockholders Re-name Directors
Directors were reelected when stockholders of the First State Bank of Minneota met in annual session this week. The directors are E.M. Amundson, Robert Boulton, Harold Schwartz, Dr. J.M. Schulte, and D.J. Venne.
Kileys to Open Laundromat Here
Work was in progress here this week in renovating the Kiley building on North Jefferson street in preparation for a laundromat that Mr. and Mrs. Kiley will open in the future. They will install 10 small washing machines, two large machines, and four electric dryers; water will be conditioned and softened.
Debaters Participate in Macalester Meet
The Minneota high school “A” squad debate team finished with a record of four wins and eight losses in competition in the 13th annual Macalester Invitational Debate Tournament. Debate Coach Herbert T. Pagel commented: “The affirmative team, Bill Ufkin and Keith VanOverbeke, won two very decisive victories, as did the negatives, Greg Regnier and Mark Larson. All of these, as well as three second team members, will return next year, so we look at this tournament result as a big boost in experience and morale.”
25 Years Ago-January 13, 1995
Minnesota Fighting “Emerging” Infectious Diseases
The U.S. Center for Disease Control and prevention is promoting an effort to detect and control new or previously unrecognized infectious disease problems and has chosen Minnesota to be one of the four sites to take part in the nationwide project. Along with northern California and the states of Connecticut and Oregon, Minnesota will be hosting a team of medical professionals and investigators who will have two “core” projects. The first is increased laboratory surveillance and disease investigation activity, and the second is monitoring for unexplained deaths and severe illnesses in otherwise healthy people between the ages of one and 49. In addition to these two projects, the mission will also include an expanded laboratory surveillance effort focussed on foodborne diseases. Minnesota officials hope that funding will become available for the five year project to a seven year project.