From the Mascot Files: 100, 75, 50, and 25 years ago

100 Years Ago-January 9, 1920
On Wednesday, December 17, Miss Cora Vanderwalker and Charles Reiss were married at Marshall. The bride is a daughter of F.C. Vanderwalker of Minneota and the bridegroom is the son of Jacob Reiss of Lincoln county. They will be at home on their farm in Alta Vista, after January 15.
A girl was born to Rev. and Mrs. G. Guttormsson last Monday morning. The Sanderson doctors report the following births: Mr. and Mrs. Herman Huso, boy, Dec. 27; Mr. and Mrs. Archie Regnier, girl, Dec. 30.
75 Years Ago-January 5, 1945
Killed in Crash
First Lieutenant Wendell F. Geiwitz was killed in an aircraft crash in India on December 24, according to information received here by Wendell’s father, John G. Geiwitz. Personals Patrick Imholt, Petty Officer, first class, is spending his 30 day leave at the home of his parents. This is his first visit home in over three years, the past 21 months having been spent on a troop carrier in the South Pacific. Ernest Garrow, EM 1/c, is home on leave visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Garrow. Ernest has been in the Navy four years serving on the Air Craft Carrier Saratoga, and has seen plenty of action. He is home for a few days’ leave before leaving for the east coast for reassignment.
50 Years Ago-January 8, 1970
Kompelien Named Alumni President
Byron Kompelien was elected president of the Minneota High School Alumni association when that organization conducted a meeting at the party at the Green Door late in December. Others named to offices were Peter DeSmet, vice president, and Mrs. Richard Wambeke, secretary-treasurer. Askdal Completes Auctioneer Course Information has been received here that David Askdal of Minneota recently completed a course in auctioneering the latter part of December.
Named Cheerleader for Willmar School
Miss Mary Rokeh of Minneota, who is enrolled in the cosmetology course at the Willmar Area Vocational-Technical School, was recently selected a cheerleader for the basketball team at the institution. She was one of 18 candidates and one of 5 selected.
Brad William, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wambeke, was baptized on Sunday, December 21 at St. Edward’s church. Sponsors were Mark Traen of Minneota and Miss Mary Wambeke of Wahpeton.
25 Years Ago-January 4, 1995
Rural Water System to for Minneota
Tuesday, January 3, brought news to Minneota clerk Betty J. Thomsen that the Lincoln-Pipestone Rural Water system would begin pumping water for the City of Minneota on January 20. Thomsen could not say if any other areas would also be receiving water from the system, but their representative told her that, “as of this point in time we do not have the required permits from the Department of Natural Resources, but we are at the point where we have no choice. We have to begin pumping.”
Windchill a Danger as Temps Dip Drastically
Windchills well below the zero degree mark will be a factor for anyone spending time in the outdoors this week. With temperatures dipping into the minus column as the new year begins, it is finally time to, “button up your overcoat.” The year ended on a chilly note following last week’s balmy Christmas holidays.
Recycle Today... For Tomorrow
A local ladies club is inspiring their community with their kindness and their recycling initiative. Many of these ladies escape the bitter Minnesota winter by making a temporary home down south. They are very grateful for the shared sunshine and warmth, and decided to thank their winter neighbors by knitting caps and blankets for newborns at a hospital in Texas. But these women use leftover yarn to make these caps, a prime example of ‘waster reduction.’ Not only are these women cutting down on their own waste, they are helping others to do the same. Disturbed by the constantly full dumpsters at the park, these women and their families decided to take action. They began a recycling program. Although it took some time to get started, these pioneers were successful in finding a place to set of shop, getting containers to collect recyclables, and finding end-markets for the collected items. Not only did they eliminate the need for another dumpster at the park, they reduced the number from two to one.