From the Mascot Files: 100, 75, 50, and 25 years ago

100 Years Ago-January 2, 1920
Herman Groezinger, who has been making a business of raising and breeding bird dogs for several years, is getting quite a “rep.” for the character of animals he is shipping out. The assembly room of the school house is being enlarged by the removal of the partition in the south end, thus extending the room the whole length of the building.
Miss Catherine Christine Tillemans and Leo Frost were united in marriage at the church of St. Edward, last Tuesday morning, the marriage service being conducted by Father W. J. Stewart.
75 Years Ago-December 29, 1944
Christmas Mail Heaviest in Local History
Christmas mail which was handled by the staff of the local post office was the largest in history, Staney Josephson, acting postmaster, estimated after the rush was over. Mr. Josephson reported that 24,000 1 1/2c stamps were sold at the post office for the mailing of Christmas cards, and about 6,000 cards were mailed with 3c stamps. In all, he estimated that about 32,000 greeting cards were sent by the people of this community.
Askdal Remodeling Blacksmith Building
Carpenters have been busy the past week lining the interior walls and ceiling of the former Ed Gits blacksmith shop and pouring a cement floor in the building. The shop was recently purchased by J. E. Askdal.
Died in Germany
Sgt. Harold Jonathan, 27 years old, was killed in action in Germany, on Wednesday, November 29, according to information received this week by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John H. Jonathan of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan have four other sons serving in the armed services.
Mrs. M. J. Kiley on Mascot Staff
Mrs. M. J. Kiley started work this week at The Mascot as Society editor. Mrs. Kiley will have charge of all local and social news. She succeeds Miss Beverly Swanson, who has been employed on the newspaper for the past few months.
50 Years Ago-January 1, 1970
Doing weekly snow chores
Monday morning the village workmen cleared the streets of Minneota’s business district. The two village workmen are James Coens and Bert Hoseck.
‘Green Burning’ Set for Next Monday
This community’s second “Burning of the Greens” is set for next Monday evening at 7 p.m. at the Minneota dump grounds with the three churches of the community, St. Edward’s, Hope Lutheran and St. Paul’s Lutheran, participating.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wambeke are the parents of a boy, born on December 4. He has been named Brad William.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Tollefson are the parents of a boy, Kevin Orlyn, born Dec. 17.
25 Years Ago-December 28, 1994
Volunteers help with clean-up
A large group of neighbors and friends helped Leo and Helen Coequyt in the clean-up efforts after the fire in their home destroyed a good portion of the basement. Those who helped included Jim, Becky and Ben Vlaminck, Ken Buysse, Harold, Troy and Ryan DeSmet, John DeSmet, Richard DeSmet, Ed and Bruce Laleman, John Blake, Gene and Peggy Berckes, Pat and Anthony Coequyt, Joe and Ann Wambeke, Brenda Chase, Mike, Matt, Nicolle and Steve Coequyt and Sonya Olevson.
Show of support
Keith Anderson, President of the State Bank of Taunton, presented a check for $300.00 to Chuck Konold, Coordinator of the Minneota hockey and skating rinks. The money is to be used to help develop the new hockey and ice skating facility.
Retirement Party
Open house retirement party in honor of Donna Pesek on Friday, December 30 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at First Community Bank in Minneota. After 26 years at Community First, Donna is retiring at year-end.