Campaign signs popping up
Wed, 07/11/2018 - 6:09pm
Minneota Police Chief Bill Bolt
Election season is upon us and I have started seeing campaign signs popping up in people's yards.
Here are a few things to remember if you are going to put a campaign sign in your yard.
•No sign may be placed in the boulevard or the right of way. Please keep the signs in your yard.
•It’s a crime to take or damage a sign that does not belong to you.
Be a good sport by supporting your candidate and not messing with someone else's signs.
•If you have a sign, make sure to pull it before you mow and then replace it.
Mowing around your sign and having the grass get long under the sign is not only an eye sore but also a breeding ground for mosquitoes.
If you have any additional questions, please contact City Hall.