From the Mascot Files: 100, 75, 50 or 25 Years Ago

100 Years Ago
(September 2, 1921)
Many locals attend
circus in Marshall
Several hundred people went from here to the Ringling Circus at Marshall last Saturday. It is reported that about 15,000 people attended in the afternoon and that from 2,000 to 3,000 were present in the evening. All who went down were well satisfied with the show.
Minneota chief operator
leaves for Minneapolis
Miss Agnes Johnson, who has been the chief operator at the local telephone station for a number of years, left yesterday on her way to Minneapolis where she will be employed as an operator there. No permanent replacement has been named.
75 Years Ago
(Sept. 6, 1946)
Finnegan hurt, hogs
killed in truck accident
J.F. Finnegan was bruised and badly shaken up Thursday morning when his truck, which he was hauling a load of hogs, was run into by a truck used for hauling flax straw at an intersection six miles northwest of Minneota. The crash badly damaged Finnegan's truck and some of the hogs were killed. The flax straw truck, driven by a man from Cottonwood, was also badly damaged but it is not known if the driver was injured.
Light frost reported
in area on Tuesday
Persons who arose early Tuesday morning reported that there was a light frost on the ground in this area, but there have been no reports of any damage done by the frost. Chilly weather, which moved into this area after the heavy rain last week, continued throughout the week and until Wednesday morning when the wind turned to the south and the thermometer shot up.
Firemen save 1,200
bushels of flax on farm
Quick action by the Minneota Fire Department saved 1,200 bushels of flax from flames at the Jake Kvanbek farm late Wednesday afternoon. Fire broke out under the corn crib in dry husks and for a time it was thought that the crib and contents would be consumed by the flames. Despite intense heat and handicapped by the position of the fire, firemen quickly brought it under control.
50 Years Ago
(Sept. 2, 1971)
School enrollment is
announced at 1,005
Enrollment in Minneota's schools, St. Edward's Catholic and Minneota Public, was 1,005 students on Monday, the opening day of the 1971-72 term, the two institutions reported. This total was slightly less than the number of students, 1,013, which reported on opening day last year.
Village Council orders
start of nursing home
Minneota's Village Council set gears in motion for a nursing home in the village when, in a special meeting held on Friday afternoon of last week, it entered into contract with the low construction bidders and accepted their proposal, less alternates, of $683,000. Following this, a letter of intent to construct was sent to the prime bidders the same afternoon and work on the site began Monday morning. The site was purchased by the village from the heirs of John M. Johnson at a cost of $12,000.
Locals gather to
help at Fier farm
Seventeen men gathered at the farm of Walter and Les Fier last Thursday and plowed 61 acres of cropland for the two farmers who had been injured in separate haying accidents recently. Walter suffered a shoulder injury in a fall, and Les suffered injuries of his hand, The volunteer men with their tractors started the plowing operations at 9 a.m. and by noon had completed the work just in time for the noon meal. Ten ladies volunteered to cook the meal for the men.
Claeys to be assistant
at Southwest State
Jeanene Claeys, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Claeys of Minneota, has been named one of 35 resident assistants at Southwest Minnesota State College for the 1971-72 academic year. Jeanene, a senior majoring in elementary education, will facilitate the development of meaningful relationships among members of the house, act as an advisor to House government, and be a teaching assistant in Residence Hall.
25 Years Ago
(Sept. 4, 1996)
Bug Days Parade
to be bigger, better
The Boxelder Bug Days parade is shaping up into one of the best yet. Parade chairman Deb Winter has been working feverishly to contact parade units and get everything organized. There are between 140-150 units lined up for the parade so far. The parade this year will be held at 1 p.m. on Sunday and will begin at the intersection Fourth and Jefferson Streets.
Boxelder Bug Days
extends to four days
This year, the Boxelder Bug Days celebration actually covers four days. With the golf tournament beginning on Thursday and a dance to be held Friday night, the festivities are no longer just held on Saturday and Sunday. We thank Frank Josephson for his time and efforts with the Boxelder BUg Days committees, and we thank Bonnie Hanson, the Minneota Chamber of Commerce Executive Administrator, for her tireless energy in recruiting people to come to our town.
Vikings top Fulda
in season opener
The Minneota Vikings football team got off to an excellent start with their 27-15 win over Fulda on Thursday night. The two teams have been solid rivals over the years and it was a solid win for Minneota. Scott Fier scored the first touchdown on a two-yard run in the second quarter. Travis Obe tossed an 83-yard touchdown pass to John Myhre in the third quarter. Fier then scored on a one-yard run in the fourth quarter, and Obe and Myhre connected again on a five-yard scoring strike. Obe completed 8 of 18 passes for 165 yards and two touchdowns. Fier ran for 128 yards in 27 carried and two scores. Myhre finished with four receptions for 103 yards and two TDs.