Which fireworks are legal in Minneota?

The Fourth of July is just around the corner and people love fireworks. Some like going to the big shows and seeing the high-flying, exploding rockets while others prefer to buy their own and light them in the street or their yard.
If you are one of those who like setting off your own fireworks, I have some advice. Make sure you do it safely. The doctors and nurses at the hospital will tell you that drunkenness and fireworks are never a good mix. The fire department will tell you that fireworks and your home, grass, or anything else that will burn, is not a good mix. The police will tell you that, in Minnesota, if it flies or goes bang, it is illegal.
Now before you get mad at me, remember, I am the messenger. I don’t make these rules, I just enforce them. So before you take that short drive to South Dakota and pick up a carload of cherry bombs, firecrackers or Roman candles, remember that if you get caught with them, they will be confiscated and you will be ticketed.
Your best option is to go to a community that is having a big show and enjoy their rockets and explosions, and if you still want to have fun at home, purchase a package of legal fireworks from a reputable store in the area.
If you take my advice, you can experience the best of both worlds while avoiding trouble, injury, and damage to property.

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The Minneota Mascot
Address: 201 N. Jefferson
Minneota, MN 56264

Phone:(507) 872-6492