From the Mascot Files: 75, 50, and 25 years ago

75 Years Ago-September 15, 1944
S/Sgt. Lewis Carlson has been awarded the Purple Heart for being wounded in action, the Silver Star for gallantry in action, and has been recommended for the Bronze Star. Carlson was wounded in Italy. Arlene Hanson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.C. Hanson of this place has been promoted from corporal to sergeant in the WAC, according to information received by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Kern are the parents of a boy born on September 12. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Kowalke are the parents of a boy born on Wednesday, September 13.
Correction-Mr. And Mrs. Walter Gillund are the parents of a girl born on Monday, August 24.
50 Years Ago-September 18, 1969
Hasners Re-Open Closed Cafe Here
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hasner, formerly of Ghent, have re-opened what was formerly known as Russ’s Cafe on Jefferson Street; it will be known as “Gladys’s Cafe.” The couple, with their six children, moved into an apartment on the second floor of the restaurant building. Mrs. Hasner was formerly employed at a cafe in Marshall, and her husband is working for a Marshall firm.
New Cop Handling Week End Duties
Leon Hartke, Pipestone, is now handling weekend police duties here. He was formerly deputy sheriff of Pipestone County.
Five Area 4-Hers Showing at Omaha
Five 4-H club members from this area of Lyon county will be showing livestock at the AkSar-Ben Livestock Show in Omaha September 19-24. From this area are: Bernard DeCock with a Hereford steer; James Laleman with a Hereford steer and a crossbred hog; James Myhre, a Hereford steer, Renee Larson, Southdown lamb, and Mark Peltier, a Chester White hog.
25 Years Ago-September 14, 1994
Bug Days Royalty
The queen coronation on Saturday evening was alive with anticipation, lots of people and twenty-six queen candidates. Gayle VanVooren emceed the affair, with the 1993 royalty coming forward to share highlights from the past year and crown their successors: First Princess Jessica Nuytten, daughter of Richard and Linda Nuytten; Queen Laura DeSmet, daughter of Dave and Monica DeSmet; and Second Princess Laura Engels, daughter of Frank and Becky Engels.
Behind-the-scenes People Appreciated
When a festival such as Boxelder Bug Days comes about, the people who are “on stage” and doing the talking become very visible. But the behind-the-scenes folks are often forgotten about. We can thank our city crew for all of their extra hours of mowing grass, moving equipment, putting up road signs, and blocking off streets. We can also thank all of those who took tickets, sold memorabilia, and were on hand to help with all of the little details of the celebration. We can thank Frank Josephson for his hours of service and his unfailing belief in the people who live here. Our MACC administrator, Bonnie Hanson, also does a lion’s share of the preparatory work and has caused our celebration to be noticed by many publications. Hats off to everyone who had a hand in the 1994 Boxelder Bug Days celebration. You have all done a very good job!
Volunteers Called
Ventriloquist Jay Schueller gave shows on Saturday in Memorial Park, drawing children with his humorous sketches and remarkable puppets.
Minneota Community Choir Comes Together
The Bill Holm and Simon Fensom Variety Show on Saturday was a big success, with the Minneota Community Choir presenting several numbers during the afternoon program. Bill Holm entertained at the piano, was in the choir, and also shared poetry readings with the assembled guests during the show. The program also featured a men’s quartet in a number of songs.