Several positives emerge from final meeting of 2020

It's hard to believe but the last school board meeting of 2020 was held on Tuesday, Dec. 15. There have been plenty of special board meetings this year with all of the changes that been occurring since last March amid the coronavirus pandemic.
The positive comments from the board included appreciation shown for the high school Student of the Month program, thanks to Barb Knutson for the daily update on the COVID-19 board on the website, recognition for the good football and volleyball seasons, and thanks to all the teachers and staff for working to keep the students in face-to-face learning as much as possible.
There was also recognition for Superintendent Dan Deitte for seeing the light at the end of the tunnel for the building project. A huge thank you was also given for the Thanksgiving Dinner give-away.
The Athletic Director/Activities Director's report was lengthy due to the recent changes issued from Governor Walz. As far as winter sports goes, the dance team are practicing virtually, wrestlers and basketball players have been having Zoom meetings, and face-to-face practices are not scheduled to begin until Jan. 4. Sporting events will begin two weeks after the start of practices. Robotics and Speech will be done virtually at this point. It is hoped that spring sports will have a normal season.
Outdoor work has been completed on the grounds. The football field was striped several times per week at the end of the season. The camera situation at the football field is being checked out. It should be operating at capacity by next season.
Superintendent Deitte reported that the second reserved tank of fuel is now being used. The board reserved five loads last spring; perhaps they will not all be needed depending on the mildness of the winter. COVID dollars are presently being used that have a Dec. 31, 2020 deadline.
Testing is moving forward for 2020-2021 as reported by Elementary Principal Jen Mahan-Deitte. Social studies standards need to be implemented next year and they are being re-written at this time. The World's Best Work Force program is almost a Mission Impossible at Minneota, but the committee attempts to gather and meet. Work is being done to close achievement gaps for SPED and ELL students. There will be another therapy dog "employed" by the district with Karen Dalager's dog being vetted and approved for work with children in the building.
There's not too much change in the high school at this time. The students are operating in a hybrid situation with grades 7-9 and 10-12 attending in-person classes every other day with distance learning on their "off-day". As of now, the music department is planning an outdoor concert in May so the students will have the opportunity to perform for a live audience.
Mr. Deitte reported that there was a settlement on the project with the district receiving $70,000 due to errors in the work that was done by CTS. He is planning to meet with all department heads (custodians, principals, food service, nurses, etc.) to see how everyone is feeling about all the changes this fall. As far as the COVID vaccine, educators are in group 1B, so that should be happening sooner rather than later.
New business included the approval of new paraprofessionals, Stephanie Freeman, and the resignation of another para, Brenda Swoboda. The School Crisis Plan has been updated. The levy limitations showed a 3.4 percent decrease from last year. These things were all approved. The generous gift from Hope Lutheran's Endowment Fund of $4,250 was approved. This was used to purchase the food for the Turkey and Trimmings give-away.
The reorganization meeting will be held at 7 a.m. on Jan. 4, 2021. The regular January meeting will be held on Tuesday, Jan. 19, 2021.

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