October 26, 2023 School Board Meeting Minutes – Regular Meeting

A Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of ISD #414, Minneota Public Schools, was called to order on Tuesday, October 26, 2023, at 7:00 pm in Room #103 by Chair Abby Thostenson.
Roll call of Abby Thostenson, Carmen Panka, Jon Buysse, Tom Skorczewski, Ryan Runia, Terri Myhre, and Martin Hennen.
Members present: Jon Buysse, Martin Hennen, Carmen Panka, Tom Skorczewski, Terri Myhre, Ryan Runia, and Abby Thostenson.
Members absent: None.
Motion by Buysse, second by Hennen to approve the agenda as presented including the additional items. Motion passed unanimously.
The school board welcomed all visitors (Karen Dalager and Tara Skorczewski) to the meeting.
Viking Pride: various positive comments were shared by Board Members and administrators.
Scott Monson tabled the Vikings Families Technology Survey for a later meeting.
Motion by Skorczewski, second by Runia, to approve the minutes from the September 19, 2023 meeting. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Myhre, second by Runia, to approve the bills [check numbers 49613-49769] as presented. Motion passed unanimously.
Administrators shared their reports.
Superintendent Monson gave his report, reviewed student enrollment and enrollment projections, went over the Student Activity Fund for September 2023, and provided the financial report.
Motion by Skorczewski, second by Runia, to approve Consent Agenda items as presented: Approval of the personnel items detailed in supporting documents; declare as surplus or obsolete for sale/disposal: Popcorn machine; 80 telephones; 10 computer monitors; approval of the following fundraisers: Senior Class Haunted Hallway; Senior Class Minneota Wristband Sales; Junior Class Viking Apparel Sales; FCCLA Fruit Sales; Junior Class Puffins. Motion passed. Skorczewski sustained.
Motion by Panka, seconded by Myhre, to approve the 2023-2024 MEMO Seniority List. Motion passed unanimously.
Discussion about the 2023 Payable 2024 Levy Limitation and Certification – Update.
Motion by Hennen, seconded by Runia to accept the bid/quote from Tolk Graveling LLC for Snow Removal. Motion passed unanimously.
Summary Statement from September 19, 2023 Closed Session.
Motion by Buysse, seconded by Skorczewski to approve the second reading of the following policies and procedures as presented: #404: Employment Background Checks; #405: Veteran’s Preference; Hiring; #410.3: Summer Coaching [Repeal]; #411: Temporary Duty Assignment for Work-Related Injuries [Repeal]; #516.5: Addendum: Naloxone Emergency Response Procedures; #523: Policies Incorporated by Reference; #535: Service Animals in Schools; #608: Instructional Services – Special Education; #714: Fund Balances; #907: Rewards. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Buysse, seconded by Skorczewski to approve the first reading of the following policies and procedures as presented: #1XX: Grievance Procedure for Complaints of Discrimination [REPEAL]; #422: Policies Incorporated by Reference; #511: Student Fundraising; #519: Interviews of Students by Outside Agencies; #605: Alternative Programs; #607: Organization of Grade Levels; #615: Basic Standards Testing, Accommodations, Modifications, and Exemptions for IEP, Section 04 Accommodation and LEP Students; #619: Staff Development for Standards; #904: Distribution of Materials on School District Property by Nonschool Persons. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Buysse, seconded by Panka to approve Resolution Establishing Combined Polling Places for Multiple Precincts and Designating Hours During Which the Polling Places Will Remain Open for Voting for School District Elections Not Held on the Day of a Statewide Election. Motion passed. Aye: Thostenson, Myhre, Buysse, Hennen, Skorczewski, Panka, Runia. Nay: None
Section and State Tournament Planning.
Motion by Skorczewski, seconded by Buysse to approve the Assurance of Compliance Statement. Motion passed unanimously.
Motion by Hennen, seconded by Panka to approve the Resolution for Acceptance of Gifts/Donations/Grants. Motion passed. Aye: Skorczewski, Panka, Runia, Myhre, Buysse, Thostenson, Hennen. Nay: None
Motion by Skorczewski, seconded by Myhre to approve the Resolution of Governing Board Supporting Form A Application to Minnesota State High School League. Motion passed. Aye: Thostenson, Myhre, Panka, Buysse, Hennen, Skorczewski, Runia. Nay: None
Motion by Panka, seconded by Runia to approve the Resolution of Governing Board Supporting Form B Application to Minnesota State High School League. Motion passed. Aye: Thostenson, Myhre, Panka, Buysse, Hennen, Skorczewski, Runia. Nay: None
The next Minneota School Board Meeting will be at 6:30 pm on November 21, 2023 in Room #103. Motion by Skorczewski, second by Runia, to adjourn the meeting. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 am.
Sgd - Carmen Panka, Acting Clerk

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Minneota, MN 56264

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