A Summary of the Proceedings of the Lyon County Board
9 a.m. pursuant to notice the Lyon County Commissioners met with the following members present: Commissioners Graupmann, Anderson, Crowley, Draper and Andries. Also present: Administrator Stomberg and County Attorney Wikelius.
MSP to approve the agenda with the addition.
MSP to approve the consent agenda as presented.
MSP to sign the agreement of the Area II Joint Powers and allowing our representative, Commissioner Crowley, to sign that agreement.
MSP to approve the charitable gambling permit for Pheasants Forever.
MSP to approve the $25,000 remaining ARPA dollars for the City of Taunton to use for these projects.
MSP to allow the Environmental Department to advertise for landfill phase 9B1.
MSP to approve letter of support to the City of Russell for their bonding request.
Meeting adjourned at 11 a.m.
A copy of these proceedings are available in the County Administrator Office of Lyon County and also available at