Senator Dahms Encourages Involvement in Statewide Child Care Shortage Listening Sessions

Senate Republicans will continue to address the statewide problem of inadequate, expensive child care with a series of listening sessions held across Minnesota starting in August.
The sessions will be sponsored by the Senate’s new Child Care Access Working Group chaired by Senator Bill Weber (R ‒ Luverne) and will feature both Republicans and Democrats.
In addition to hearing public testimony during the listening sessions, the Child Care Access Working Group will visit local child care facilities to hear about the challenges they face as providers.
The group also plans to meet with local economic development authorities to discuss workforce shortages attributable to a lack of childcare options.
Realizing that child care is a major issue in Senate District 16, Senator Gary Dahms (R – Redwood Falls) urges his constituents to attend one of the sessions in order to have input on solutions to help solve the issue.
The first two listening sessions will be held in Willmar and Lake City.
A full schedule will follow at a later date.
Willmar Listening Session
August 13, 6:00 ‒ 8:00 PM Fire Station Training Room, 515 2nd Street SW
Lake City Listening Session
September 10, 6:00 ‒ 8:00 PM Lake City Public Library, 201 South High Street