Heroes takes second
The Canby Area 8 Ball League completed another fun season of pool and Butterscotch 5 (KB’s) took the championship while Heroes 3 took second.
The Canby Area 8 Ball League completed another fun season of pool and Butterscotch 5 (KB’s) took the championship while Heroes 3 took second.
The Canby Area 8 Ball League completed another fun season of pool and Butterscotch 5 (KB’s) took the championship.
Minneota Senior Mealsite
Call Joanne from 8 - 9:15 a.m. for meals, 872-6604. Dinners served at 11:30 a.m.
The Minneota Police Department received the following calls for service:
Monday, March 26
•Permit to Purchase application.
Tuesday, March 27
Gislason's Ace Hardware, The Arched Door, Prairie Winds Wellness and the Boxelder Bug Days Committee are hoping to inspire your creativity and have our community design the logo for Boxelder Bugs D
Medicare will begin issuing a completely new type of Medicare card this spring.
Minneota Fifth and Sixth graders went bowling recently at the Lancer Lanes in Canby.
They were supervised by faculty members Keven Larson and Bree Anderson.
Stations of the cross St. Edward Junior High students presented Living Stations of the Cross on Friday night at the church.
Minneota Senior Mealsite
Call Joanne from 8 - 9:15 a.m. for meals, 872-6604. Dinners served at 11:30 a.m.