St. Edward School Happenings

Kindergarten kids recently celebrated their love for Dr. Seuss by celebrating a whole week. They took part in dress up days, read Dr. Seuss books and did fun activities!
They had pajama day and ate green eggs and ham.
Grade 1 & 2 – Mrs. Skillings
The Second Graders are learning about forgiveness and the Penitential Rite in religion. We are continuing to study map skills in social studies. In math, the 1st graders are working with congruent shapes.
Our class did a fun art project titled, “Snakes in the Grass”.
March 21 - School Mass Gr 3 & 4 Reconciliation for students
March 22 - AR prizes Guardian Angel Lunch
March 23 - Education committee Fish Fry from 4:30-7 p.m., all are welcome to attend! Jr. High students present Living Stations, Last day of Penny panic
March 26 - Schoenstatt Girls Group
March 27 - Birthday lunch Library
March 28 - School Mass – Gr 2
March 29 - April 2 – NO School – Easter break