Route 68 Big Band to perform in Canby

The final 2017 Canby Music on Monday performance will be Monday, August 7 and will feature Route 68 Big Band.
The music will start at 7 p.m. Plan to bring your lawn chairs and enjoy this open air performance at Canby’s Central Park.
Route 68 Big Band will feature Jazz and Swing music. There are 20 members in the group.
Members in the group primarily live in communities along MN Highway 68. Hot Beef Sandwiches from Jim’s Market will be served starting at 6 p.m. All proceeds above expenses for this summer’s musical groups will be donated to the Canby Theater Renovation Fund to help pay for projects that are still unfunded.
Local volunteers will serve the meals. In case of bad weather the performance and the meal will move to the Canby Community Center (at City Hall).
All Music on Monday events will feature local and regional artists each performing different types of music.
The events are free to the public, but freewill donations to help underwrite the series will be welcomed. This is a project of the Canby Arts Council which is sponsored by the City of Canby.