The Minneota Police Department received the following calls for service:

Police Blotter

The Minneota Police Department received the following calls for service:

Monday, November 6

•Funeral Escort from St. Edward Catholic Church.

Tuesday, November 7

•Truancy check for Minneota Public School.

•Funeral Escort from St. Edward Catholic Church.

•Assist for property manager in the 700 block of N. Madison Street.

•Theft from checking account in the 100 block of Hwy. 68.

•Homelessness in the 100 block of N. Madison Street.

•Arrest Warrant in the 400 block of Maple Place.

Wednesday, November 8

•Keys locked in vehicle in 100 block of E. 6th Street.

•School bus stop arm violation in the 600 block of N. Madison Street.

•Traffic Stop in the 600 block of N. Monroe Street.

•Hit and Run vehicle collision in the 500 block of Grant Street.

Thursday, November 9

•Animal Complaint in the 100 block of Hwy. 68.

•Keys locked in vehicle in the 200 block of Hwy. 68.

Saturday, November 11

•Escort Minneota High School Volleyball team into town from State Championship game.

Sunday, November 12

•Family Matter in the 100 block of Golf Course Road.

•Family Matter in the 400 block of Maple Street.

•Assist with an arrest warrant in Marshall.

Contact Us

The Minneota Mascot
Address: 201 N. Jefferson
Minneota, MN 56264

Phone:(507) 872-6492