December Elementary Viking Valor
Elementary School
This student always has a smile on her face when she comes into the classroom every morning. She is a great helper in the classroom and always works hard. Following the school rules is something she takes pride in, and she isn't afraid to remind others what they are. She goes out of her way to help a friend or the teacher. She is an "includer" and invites others to play with her if they are feeling left out. Most importantly, she loves school and always wants to learn more. "What are we doing next?" is what you will hear her say! Keep working hard, Oakley Norby!
The Kindergarten teachers would like to nominate a student this month that exceeds all expectations. This student is kind, fair, thoughtful, respectful and most of all fun! This student shows Viking Valor everywhere they go as they set a good example for their classmates in the classroom, hallways, lunchroom and playground. Our nomination always does their best and never gives up when things are hard. We love how he/she encourages others to persevere. With heartfelt pride, we congratulate Harper Hjermstad as our December Viking Valor student of the month. The first grade teachers would like to nominate a student who has been doing an excellent job in his/her classroom this year.
This student is showing Viking Valor by always trying their best, even when things get tough. She always has a smile on her face and is ready to learn. They are a good friend to others and are always willing to help in the classroom. Congratulations to Kienzlee Sawyer for being the December Student of the Month in First Grade.
The second grade student of the month shows Viking Valor in numerous ways. This student comes to school each day with a positive attitude and an enthusiasm for learning. He/she is kind and helpful to his/her classmates and is a positive role model. This student works hard in all subjects but has been working especially hard at conquering Mad Minutes. This person also does an excellent job at encouraging his/her classmates to do their best as well. Congratulations Logan Pohlen!
The third grade student of the month has shown Viking Valor in my different ways. This student shows high expectations by pushing him/herself to do better each day. He/she works hard to master his/her math facts as well as his/her AR goal. The third grade student of the month shows respect to all he/she is around. This student is kind and considerate to anyone he/she meets. She helps her peers when they need it. She goes out of the way to make sure the classroom is neat and organized. She also always asks how he/she can be of help. The third grade student of the month shows honor by being a role model to his/her peers when it comes to being kind and respectful to all she meets. Congratulations, Allison VanWatermuelen!
The fourth grade teachers have students that shine in many different ways every day. This particular student this month is very responsible and always completes their work on time … even ahead of time! This person is a good role model in the classroom because they are respectful of others, they raise their hand, they work quietly, and they are very willing to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it. This person makes our classroom a better place. Keep up the good work, Abby Rolbiecki!
The Fifth Grade teachers would like to nominate this student for student of the month because of their enthusiasm and overall joyful attitude towards school. They show up every day with a smile on their face and most of the time dancing into the classroom. They are always willing to help their classmates as well as anyone they come in contact with. We only hope that the certificate comes with a giant green pickle!! Congratulations, Brayden Downing.
The 6th grade teachers would like to nominate a student that is showing Viking valor each day in and out of the classroom. This student goes above and beyond everything that is asked of him/her. This student shows up to school with a positive attitude and is always quick to help anyone in need. He has a great sense of humor that is enjoyed by their classmates as well as their teachers. We would like to nominate Joseph Voit!